State of Retail Servers

Servers are absolutely dead. Go to PvP server for Horde such as Stormscale had around 150000 weekly activity during Cata and MoP peak. Now it has around 4000 active players. Quite disturbing drop.

times change - Garrosh Hellscream
but really i doubt ion’s stellar leadership and whatever is in charge of putting all this roads blocks are doing the game any favours the game has sort taken a bad turn since wolk gearing wise in wolk i could just run heroics and get the gear i wanted from vendors with dungeon related currency now i have to grind stupid catch up systems that don’t even give decent gear

even mop with grinding a gazillion frogs was superior to the korthia trash i’m not sure ion even plays the game i’m sure your all sick of hearing about FF 14 by now but Yoshi P actually plays the game he even Pugs it with random people I’d never see Ion do that he even said in the interview with asmongold that if he was designing the game only for himself it would be very different but he has to consider the total population playing and cater to both camps ion don’t seem to do that all as a casual you basically get table scraps for content ion has been a terrible lead dev for years now

Realm merges avoid the name duplication by having your old realm as a kind of affix.

When Terenas was merged with Emerald Dream I had both Punyhuman-Terenas and Punyhuman-EmeraldDream.

On the whole though more names could be freed up if they introduced a surname system.

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Realm merges have been done before, I’m on one of the biggest realm connections made:


They have cool perks like being able to have multiple chars with same name on each realm, yet same community. The realm name is a suffix, as seen in the open world, difference being you can trade, make guilds and keep in touch with the players.

Downsides: the /who player name or /who guild queries are incomplete thus not always useable.

Due to Classic launched, the servers started dying as most communities got halved. Since then, people either quit or migrated… to a point there are no more mythic progression guilds. And everytime people migrate the Auction House gets raided and prices jump up ( korthian crystals, callous hides ), making even harder for those still here. We can keep in touch using X-realm communities, but this invalidates the idea of a Guild, making it less important, which is a big minus for a MMO team game.

And i am currently taking my first break from WoW Versions in general since my last one back in MoP.

My break is none of those reasons, but because of i have had enough of CRZ BS and what that crap comes with as well as Single Player Experiences Design that is EVERYWHERE as soonests you step outside a Capital.

I’m on a Connected realm (Lightbringer/Mazrigos) and have had major issues with /who … started prior to SL launch and has just gotten gradually worse to the point, now, where it is unusable. But … are you saying this is only the case on Connected realms? Perhaps I need to adjust the command to include the suffix?

After analyzing the forums for a few days, I came to the conclusion the active Blue posters here are mostly the kind Customer support peeps that answer the in game Tickets. This would most probably be why they’re not addressing our plea about the Dying/Dead realms, as it’s outside their scope or power.

I do Hope the Developers pass through here now and then. As such, here’s an incentive. I’ll give you 3 tips how to make the game more engaging, replayable and loved and perhaps it will earn me an answer:

1: Create an achievement to complete the Twisting Corridors rank 8 by all game Classes (but only rank 8), this would reward a unique mount just like the Mage Tower.
We’re missing out on the potential fun, challenge and replayability of this place. You can even make a scoreboard for those that clear it quicker. and you could add some Valor as reward for completion too (its a fitting way to farm it and does not effect the game at all)

2: Create an auction like system, for all farmable/dropable bind on pickup items such as transmogs, mounts, companion pets. There you can place a bounty on any prize you like and other players can farm and come to collect them. Anyone that retrives the item, can pickup the reward gold, but once its solved the bounty transaction is closed. This way anyone can farm old raids etc, in their due time, but upon drop they capture items instead of having them looted and made soulbound. ( Having the Brokers in game now, make sense to introduce such a system ) Maybe after getting Alar, the Invincible, or some other Mythic mount, you wanna sell for some nice gold amount your next drop instead of DELETE-ing it.

3: Player Bounties: Allow a similar system, talk to NPC to place a Bounty based on Player name for a deposited amount of gold. That simple: If player exists place bounty for X gold. You need to pick up the bounty like a quest, have a list of picked up bounties and get rewarded by mail automatically when target is slain ( if its a group with the quest, the gold would be split to the party ). Other players with the quest ( bounty ) are informed the bounty was claimed and the Quest/Bounty gets closed, while others are still active.
This will incentivise world PvP, and world exploration. Gankers would get bounties placed on them, and if multiple players place one it should pool up. PvP mode off will still be a safe haven. To make it more interesting, you could give a buff to the target, so they know they’re being hunted, similarly to the BfA one.

Add these to the game, and honestly the players will have some cool reasons to enjoy WoW for the coming years.

Because in the past there was queues on just about every single one of the original servers, so they launched more servers to alleviate it by letting people transfer to them. Some of those servers became plagued with queues as well. Now the servers have increased capacity and there’s only really queues on a few select realms during select periods of time, such as expansion launches.

No the /who issues are nothing to do with realm connections. They broke it some time ago.

I’m on Draenor and it frequently fails to find people even if I do /who guildname

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Really not being funny stopped reading after ”half the player base moved to
Classic / tbc”.

No, no they didn’t half the player base left because they are unsatisfied with the game, some moved to tbc / classic servers.

RP folkz, tend to be bad at games, so thats why they love grinds, if u bad, u can always overgrind to make you powerfull… just a sad game for losers.

I’m sad, no offer of a basement to anyone

my basement is full atm, i let you know when it gets bigger. or you can donate to me so i can expand my basement faster.

rare footage emerges of Unclegrandpa’s basement…

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Same on Argent Dawn its been busted since they brought in Warmode.

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Ah bummer. I did try to add -realmname but it didn’t make a difference. We have 11 online at the moment and /who showed 4. /who -g “guild name” was more successful, showing 10.

Many times the /who guildname was innacurate, will try your version /who -g "guild-name".

First time i’m seeing this version of querying. Thank you. I suppose /w -g "Guildname-Realmname" would be the most accurate.

Actually, it might be /who g-"guildname" rather than /who -g "guildname" :stuck_out_tongue: I tried with and without the realm name at the end of the guild name and it didn’t seem to make any difference.

This might help with other options, too:

Tested it. Works very well, /who g-“guildname” shows all the online folks :+1: While /who guildname is a partial list with just a few random names

Now back to the OG topic here, I wonder if the Microsoft merger will distract the Dev team or perhaps they will actually help out the Dead Retail servers, just like they did the Dead Classic realms. Or once again my plea will fall on deaf ears :pensive:

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I’ve addressed this, revised, on the US forums. Hopefully it gets more friction there and maybe an answer for all of us.