Yes it’s dead. There’s no going back for us now, brother.
On a more serious note;
Horde RP has a lot of inconsistency because people aren’t really pushing or pulling with one another to keep RP flowing consistently.
There is a case where you have too many people pushing so there’s so many people arriving to Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor and yet there will be nobody pulling to interact with one another.
Everyone wants to RP nobody is really willing to put in the footwork to make the RP stay and keep consistent.
I am an old man in the Horde scene at this point and that’s what I can say really.
Though, consistency is messy there is still Horde RP and it’s still very much a thing.
As Wraithwood has put there is a lot going on in the game right now there’s a new patch, there’s a new season that’s just started.
Goblin Community has moved around to Undermine, other guilds on their own mini campaigns with themselves, etc, etc.
I will also concur with Jeyce’s points as well the number of active groups and numbers in Horde has certainly taken a hit and it has been like that since the end of BFA unfortunately, though there is confluxes of RP and it happens in waves generally.
Tauren Roleplay I don’t think has that much of a scene there used to be the Gathering of the Horns or similarly named if I recall but even now that very rarely happens.
A lot of the ‘Tribal’ shall we say RP for races has pretty much dwindled to an obsolete if you’re looking for specific RP to a race the only three you’re gonna find right now are for;
In that order.
That’s not to say everything is doom and gloom though, as I said it’s still readily happening and there is a lot of initatives going about; Here, there and everywhere to keep RP engaging but, Horde usually has the more ‘mature’ aged folk in which case people have lives outside the game and aren’t really about as often as you would find in Stormwind for example. That’s not to say to our fellow Bluecoat RP’ers that they’re unemployed and no lifing the game.
Just that Horde has a more older generation that are busy with life and Alliance has and always will be the majority for RP. (It’s easier to RP the usual chivalric good guys than it is the more monsterous races.)
The Ashen which is my group are usually always around Org when we’re not on events and we try to attend every Horde social gathering we can that makes logical sense to happen.
There is also the upcoming Kosh’harg towards the end of the Month and you will see no doubt plenty of Horde people appearing for that.
There’s also the Horde gathering which occurs every Sunday usually at the Crossroads and it can be packed for a bit and then slowly fizzle out it depends really on what people are doing, etc.
If you stick about you’ll no doubt find RP and there are plenty of Horde guilds always recruiting and doing things.