If you keep saying that warrior is in dire straights, that KSM is beyond your reach because of ‘the meta’, ‘utility’ ‘other classes’, your list goes on…
Yes. You are dooming. Calling on and listing a bunch of irrelevant issues, that is at best indirectly affecting the situation, then blowing it out of proportions - bringing up the problem in the 0.01% meta to hold up your ‘negative loaded attitude’. Yes, that is dooming. You want things to be doom and gloom, when there is no reason to keep yapping about it.
In the overall context, warrior is fine. We have done +30, we are up there. We get the job done.
Now, in the context of this thread and topic, that is KSM. Warrior is more than fine. I would go as far as excellent. We bring the stops you will need for any keystone done on that journey, we bring an overkill amount of DPS and we can easily tank it without breaking a sweat on silly pull sizes.
People who say ‘warrior is in a bad spot’, ‘we are in desperate need of more utillity’, ‘warrior do not get invited’, in this context - you are far off into the fields of silly-roses eating them.
If you are having troubles getting KSM as a warrior, or you believe warrior will have problems getting KSM. You really need help. Your doomer levels are lethal.
If you are trying to convince someone that asked, “can warrior do KSM” that they will face this wall of issues, then you are dillusional.
If you just want to rant about the same doomer points you always do - go to the threads with that topic. I will fight you there as well, on most points. But here, in a KSM thread, I will not even play with the idea of doomers.
Doomers, return to your echochambers from where you came. This is not a post you need to be in!