State of warrior

You can get KSM easily on warrior, but it will require more time compared to other melee DPS since you compete for a group spot with melee DPS that bring more to the table in every regard than warrior currently does

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dont mind funkykitty he just likes trolling and loop conversations.

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funkykitty thinks he is a warrior theory crafter. as you said he doesnt have right to tell people about not voicing their opinions. i am here to warn every warrior here to not get into conversation with funkykitty. it is pointless. he ll call us all doomers etc but all we are trying to say is about problems of our specs. whatever you say funkykitty will make an counter argument and get off the topic. just ignore the kitty

yeah he is trolling every warrior thread. just flag his posts and ignore him would be the right thing to do.

i can only warn every new warrior dont listen to funkykitte. he is misleading you what the state of warrior is. he will say all is fine and shiny when in reality we are the worst melee dps as of right now. maybe frost dk has it worse but frost dk at least brings battle rezz

You can keep point out problems, but pointing out that a human will have huge problems climbing Mount Everest, when the question is if you can climb your local hill
 yeah, you lads are not very helpful to the topic at hand.

Now, when you lads say “worst” it is usually based on data-points that I disagree with. More often than not it is feelcraft or your experiences that you refer to.

If I show numbers that warrior have completed 30 keys, you will ignore that as a datapoint. You don’t care about our potential. If I show numbers that set us to be more played than most melee specs in the bracket, you will ignore that as a datapoint.

If it is not reinforcing your view of that ‘warrior got these problems, because, I have them’, then you always fight tooth and claw.

I repeat myself, I am not saying your points are invalid, nor that there aren’t concerns that should be addressed. What I do say, is that warrior (Fury warrior) is doing fine. Not great, but fine. Warrior as a class can do all the top end content and we do our job within it.

I repeat again, I do understand you feel things are bad for you. I simply feel you are doing nothing to work around the problem, you simply keep complain about it - non-stop, like a mass of people at the bottom of a pit, you clamour for a ladder. Ignoring the guys who climb out of the hole, using sheer grit and determination.

Would it be better if a ladder was given? Sure. Is it really needed? No. You simply chose the human emotion of despair, you doom and gloom. In the end - being your own worst enemy. Worse yet, as you bunch together, you echo that sentiment to eachother and attack anyone who points out the climbers. Because, in truth, you don’t want to put in the effort. Blaming others instead of yourself is a lot easier.

i dont know if you spend time in warrior discord skyhold. i even saw funkykitty get scolded by Archimtros about his pointless arguments and bad takes. it was funny to read

yeah i am in skyhold but dont look in there very often

It seems my innocent inquiry started a war


If you are on skyhold, you would’ve seen Archi just bash on the doomers too. So hey. Neat.

Archi does disagree with some of my points, like OF getting buffed. We also disagree on what is fun, as there was an argument of subjective vs objectively (mechanical) fun. Not to mention, what factor fun is in the game and what fun is.

Now, we do agree on things like warrior being fine, that we don’t need heroism/Combatress and that jazz. We agree that warrior utility is far from bad, but could get some polish. That warrior as a high mid is in a good spot damage wise, and that the outliers should be brought towards the middle. I would even go as far to say, we problably both would agree that doomers don’t want balance - you want to be overpowered brats.

So hey, your appeal to authority actually is on my side. Hey, I am also 100% sure, that he would agree with myself: Warrior is more than fine to do KSM.

Why don’t you go to Skyhold and ask Archi, eh? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Nah, they just dislike me personally, as I keep butting in on their dooming sessions.

Don’t worry about it :dracthyr_heart:

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Everyone wants to be overpowered. Some classes are overpowered for the majority of every expansion. Mages, Warlocks and Demon Hunters for example have spent the majority of time being vastly more powerful than they need to be, Boomkins regularly rise to absurd levels too.

Don’t sit there and pretend like players wanting to be overpowered is something that supports anything, it’s neither here nor there. Warriors were massively overpowered in Vanilla, somewhat overpowered in TBC, and Warrior players loved it. Playing the game and being overpowered feels great, your options are much more open, nobody playing their own class is complaining they are “overpowered”, nor willing to admit it.

Playing the game and being considered bottom tier and 10-15% behind on damage, you’re just playing an uphill struggle, beating unskilled players of overpowered specs becomes your celebration, and for players like you justification that things are “fine”.

I will never say that people don’t enjoy feeling OP. That is why I call them out for it. I don’t care if they feel it as an insult that I do; I just point out that is what they want. Not balance. As they are not arguing for balance, as they care only for their power - I argue they do not see things from useful perspective for the game.

I might be the minority, but I prefer close balance, than OPness. If DH beats warrior, that is all well and fine, as long it is not by a monster margin.

Now, I will clarify this to you, as you likely have not read my posts on this. When I say warrior is fine, I mean in a relative game as a whole setting. All classes and specs, the high and lows. Compared to all of them we are high mid, so as I want balance - I find warrior to be in that sweet spot others should be centred around. Example, in raid content we can do more than the required DPS to be viable, sure we are at a disadvantage compared to classes that bring more - but we are not locked out of the content because of it. The problem is not that we bring too low DPS, it is that others bring too much or too little. For the content - the game, that it should be balanced around, we are fine to do the job.

So, 10-15% difference is not fine, but warrior doing the DPS it does is fine. That definition of fine. Hope it clarifies that.

I don’t think the solution is to bring warrior up 10-15%, only to have some classes that are already behind left with a bigger gap overall. It is fine for warriors, but for the game - it is just another issue.

What I want to see, is all pulled in towards the middle to achieve balance in terms of DPS. Or to see all except the top outliers pushed slowly up (with the bottom being pushed harder). Of the two, the first go-to is my preferred.

Hope this puts into context why I say that warrior is more than fine to do KSM.

Nerf DH (both), BM Hunter, and Demo Warlock to start with. Give Warrior some group utility.

Make Disrupting Shout a silence and put it in the class tree (45s). Bring back Crit Banner; make it into a shout tbh. Add Safeguard to Intervene. And for god’s sake put Shockwave in a better position in the tree!

It’s not just a problem of being 15% behind, it’s more practical/gameplay stuff too.

When dealing with mechanics, Warrior is chained to the standard melee range while some other melee specs now (Rogues and Rets for example) have what you can call a mid-range dps capability, which means they have more room to continue dealing damage while avoiding danger or while dealing with mechanics.

Warrior (and especially Arms) is also really picky about positioning, more so than is true for other classes, the effect the tank and overall pack positioning has on the Warrior’s dps is huge. Again a class like a Rogue with a larger melee distance and 360 coverage Blade Flurry has more leeway. On the extreme end you can look at a Boomkin, where by and large they don’t care how good or bad the tank is at positioning, they have nuclear warhead coverage.

It’s stuff like this that makes Warrior also harder to do good damage with, because very accurate positioning is a requirement, because things outside of your control have a large impact on what you can do
 These are all factors that also pull Warrior down, not even just the damage tuning, or just the lack of utility, but Warrior is walking a thinner tightrope in a lot of scenarios, and compromises have to be made where other classes may have more wiggle room.

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i am not saying warrior isnt capable doing high end content.every spec is capable of every kind of content .forums,discord,twitch all i see people are complaining how warrior is behind of other specs and overhelmingly underperforming. get your facts straight first.
fury and arms have problems and people naturally comes here and tries to give feedback (even if it is wrong or not) this forum is like customer service right? people have right to voice their opinions here (even if it is wrong or right doesnt matter) and you mister punkkitty dont have right to silence people here.
as i am here;
fury needs help dps output for m+
arms need better survibility ( if you check logs arms is 3rd of most dying specs even if it is plate) arms could also use a dps buff

My point remains, as this is a forum, you don’t have to bring the complaints into a post about KSM. Though, I welcome them and address them in posts dedicated to them.

Feedback is always nice, but - there is a time and place. You want to talk about utility, go to one of the myriad of utility posts. Want to discuss the legendary? We got that as well. Now, if you want to address KSM and if warrior can do it, this is the place.

Complaining about not getting into top end keys, when question is KSM, just isn’t anything but dooming’ and glooming. Trying to twist what is to be worse off than what reality reflects.

For KSM, warrior is fine, more than fine.

Welcome to warrior community mate.

no no no you are doing this in every topic. if someone makes a post and complains about warrior underperforms (utility,dps etc) you just come and say everything about dps warrior good warrior capable etc. you are the one missing the point. everyone have right to say whatever in every post if it is in comminity standarts agreement. people can make wrong or on point feedback here and it is blizzard’s job to pick the on point feedback it is not your job funkykitty

Not my job, but it is my opinion. Offtopic is just that.

I understand that people want to complain and doom at every opportunity. I just don’t see it as worthwhile or productive. More than that, I see it as harmful, when your points are being mixed into a topic where it doesn’t belong at all.

Now, I will show up and disagree in posts where I disagree. I will agree where I agree. Because, as you pointed it out: everyone have right to say whatever.

topic name is literally ‘‘state of the warrior’’ so people can point dps warriors shortcomings here in this topic.yeah we both are right our points in some extends. as i state before you are doing this because you are enjoying pointless arguments.anyways i see them as feedback, you see them as dooming .let people do their complaints,feedbacks, doomings, cheerings whatevers,I broke my own promise there is no point to argue with you. you are spending way more energy than people who are ‘‘dooming’’ in these forums. there is no contribution to anything with arguing with you