State Your Guilty Confessions

Back in vanilla people in the guild would give their details to friends to log in and do certain tasks. (i know its against ToS) was 15 years ago before location logs and authentication etc.

Well my friend used the other persons account. Banked his hearthstone and swam him out in the middle of the fatigue zone in water and logged out. So the person would die of fatigue and had to spirit rez.

I was ready to forgive you, but then I read this :point_down:

Meanie :angry:


Making a macro that I would press once in every dungeon while leveling a tank saying that I would not get back the aggro from people pulling mobs instead of me.

I’m a Gnome


I tend to leave groups if i see alot of people from italian or french servers

When I see someone in trade ask for advice, I put them on my ignore list. They are obviously not on my intellectual level.


Excuse me, i need some advice. How do i get on your high intellectual level?


Uncultured swine!!


I don’t join guilds cause I cannot tolerate raiding with a bunch of old buddies who are carrying some very bad friends through. And I am supposed to be a patient understanding dps who wastes time on doomed pulls until these very obviously bad ppl are tired, leave and decent pugs are added.

Raids are a nightmare for me basically.

That is bizarre :rofl: why only them?

Every single person i met of those is incapable or unwilling to communicate, and everytime i see someone running around cluelessly like they are playing hello kitty adventure island its always those language servers.

To be clear tho, i don’t dislike people from those countries, i met spanish and italian people on english servers as well and those do their best.

The other language servers are okay if i see them they seem normal players, and russians are like a well oiled warmachine in wow

Wow… You guys are terrible :sweat_smile:

I just decided to read through this thing for fun, because I’ve never held any elitist attitudes, I’m usually very nice in-game and if I’m not nice I’m quiet.

I’ve explained tactics to guys who failed them 10 times in a row, then watch them fail it again and explained it calmly yet again.
I’ve never been kicked from any group I’ve been in (that I can remember), and I’ve played this game on and off since 2005.
I’ve never left any group because of the skill level of another party member. I just assume they are new to their class or role and allow them to keep trying.
I’ve almost never ganked lowbies, and the few times I did I felt bad about it afterwards.
When other party members start to argue I always try to defuse the situation and calm it down.

I guess my confession can be that I consider myself a much nicer person than most? :innocent:


Why, mage good[quote=“Looksmaxxed-kazzak, post:2, topic:69824”]
I always leave groups that have two mages.

I once pugged as a discipline priest instead of holy!

feels good to get that off my chest! :slight_smile:

EDIT : It was a +8

Not really a guilty confession I’m rather proud of two instances.

First was getting a level 1 beggar in stormwind to join my party, an old friend who has long gone was with me already as we were just in Stormwind at the market district bank just randomly talking to other players. So I told him if he stayed as a passenger in my chopper wherever I took him he would get 10k gold. Naturally he jumps in and off we go. Round Stormwind, chatting away on life and such. Keeping him sweet we drive down to the harbour. (for context it should be remembered I’m on my dk). Activated frostwalk and jumps into the sea. And off we go, riding and riding and riding and riding… Out into open water. As you can imagine the fatigue counter kicks in and he starts to worry. Fear not I cry as I turn round. Then kick him from the party. Switch from the chopper to another mount so he is instantly ejected, and promptly leave him to die of fatigue. I still remember fondly his less than complimentary whispers. I to this day have no idea if his corpse is still floating somewhere halfway to Vashj’ir.

Second time cost me 4 days of sleeping in a separate bed, doing my own laundry and dishes and making my own meals. My wife who had barely started playing, asked me what the other capital cities were like and whether there was anything she should know. Me being a complete git told her about the the Great Forge in Ironforge. So she asked me to show her. So I took her along the tram, changed into my stoneform drake and let her mount me (hur hur) and I took her over the open forge. Told her deep within there was a chest that the dwarves had dropped in there that the game would put random drops into. Really!?! she cries in real, she sat across from me in the room on her desktop while I was on my desktop across the room. “yep” here go and check!" then laugh hysterically as I change form and we both drop into the forge. Of course she dives down and looks for said chest, dies and then starts yelling at me because I’m still laughing. Four days of own chores but it was worth it. Now whenever we are in Ironforge we still laugh when we think about that day

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I love you Dr Brineson, and I want to have your babies

My seaman (see what i did there) is smart enough to know to not be fertile enough to procreate in a world full of simpletons.

Remember when world bosses needed real group effort and the raid would gather near the boss before pulling? I’d pretend to be afk on my warlock so the lazy “lock summon plox 123” people would have to either get there themselves or miss out and find a new group. I rarely treat other players like that, but pure laziness really grinds my gears.

You people are kinda wilding, I was expecting smth like “I sometimes ninjapull when the tank isn’t going quick enough”

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I made fun of players through a discord server because they didn’t know what to do, while they still were respectful and willing to listen through the dungeon run. Now you can say “you’re supposed to know the mechanics when doing mythic dungeons” but we’ve all been noobs, was very hypocritical of me to make fun of them behind their backs. (even though they’re just strangers)

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