Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

Well, we are definitely golden elf girls.

Hope you don’t mind :sunglasses:

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No, no, the golden fashion and affinity is the best :heart:, for more races than just one :wink:

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A… Are you kidding me? You both just use generic Paladin armor. There is not much to steal from.

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Well, boys and girls have your fun and all. Do not mind me adding my two cents. It’s just a game after all. I do not get it how ppl like this emo war criminal, but my judgement might be clouded because I am still furious and extremely disappointed about the Teldrassil writing.

You are into that honor thing, right? In my opinion if the Horde has any honor left, they should capture her and her supporters and let them face their judgement.

Also I think that a huge gaming company has a responsibily in RL, too. Which means that the game shouldn’t “promote” mass murder of civilians.

You shall be either a polite and a good zug zug or you shall be dumped back into that hole from which you did come from.

The duty of the mag’har in the horde is to listen and worship the superior race like the sin’dorei is.

Shut up, degenerated Troll! Go worship titan creatures like High Elves do!

All shall bow to Sylvanas in the end as their superior, you can’t escape from that you mongrel. The time of the Garry did pass and will never return back, now you can cry more.


I hope her shoulders will have a higher drop rate.

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Do you even know what you are talking about?

I didn’t forget, I wanted to make a sentence out of a few, and those three seemed to flow well.

Is like my favourite Forsaken line ever, so bravo :black_heart: :clap: :metal:

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Ah, fair enough. Those three lines indeed have a good flow together, now that I’ve read it again. In fact, I really liked that, I screenshotted to save it :smile: .

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Presuming quite a lot with that. Is all the Horde into the honour thing then? What about us Forsaken? Are we into that honour thing too?

If you want to talk about honour, go speak to an orc. They love that shizz :sunglasses:

For real? Really really real? How is the game ‘promoting’ this? Okay no disrespect, but are you just trolling now?

What about the other in-game violence? Is that okay, but only when it’s up to like 10 mobs, or if it isn’t civilians and say killing animals, or? Where does this logic end?

And if we talk about ‘promoting’ other things ‘we don’t like’ by including them in game, didn’t the Alliance attack Vulperans and commit mayhem and arson, or what now? Is that cool? Or invade a sovereign capital, sack it and murder it’s ruler? How about that?

Or other things that have IRL ‘implications’ such as keeping an entire race in prisoner of war camps? Or hereditary rulers as absolute rulers, with no level of democracy, like Anduin is? Or complete subservience to a ‘religion’, like the Light seems to expect? Does WoW ‘promote’ these too?

(Obviously these are just examples related to the Alliance, of course we can dig up Horde activities if we needed to)

Would you say the game ‘promotes’ things like this too?

This is why I am asking if you are just trolling now. The quoted bit doesn’t make a whole load of sense when you dig into it, sorry :smiley:


@ Rawlings: You have some good points. From lore perspective both factions have done terrible things. There is no saint faction in WoW. I also do not ask for removing violence from a game about war. (By this logic all shooters would be illegal.) Still I think that some lines shouldn’t be crossed. This goes for both factions.


Thing is when alliance have done “wrong” it is more akin to a blunder… when horde have done wrong, well it is intentional… you only have to give an orc a spoonful of fel energy in order to see his true color. Undead well when did they ever need an excuse to justify genocide… hah as if the alliance would do such a thing, and if you are going to bring up the orc slave camps come on, fel addict war mongers. Madness.

Omg why did the Lucas ever invent Darth Vader or why did the Tolkien ever invented the orcs as they were, they obviously didn’t cared about the public by your logic.

Lets remove all crime movies, all action ones, all horrors, all fantasy ones because we need to keep everything pure since the people aren’t capable to separate the fiction from the real life things right :roll_eyes:

What about the Arthas, if Blizzard did listen to the advices like you gave, he would never exist either……


Well it is fiction, and needs to be treated as such I suppose. I think it’d be different if we as players had loosed the flaming shot at Teldrassil however.

Good that Blizzard were smart enough to have Sylvanas do it! With how some have reacted to it, imagine how many would’ve flat out not pulled the trigger? Understandable.

Just want to also clarify that I’m not trying to say Horde or Alliance are better or worse than one another either! In case I implied it :smiley:

If you’re referring to me with:


You are aware I was referring to whatever I was referring to with regard to suggestions that in game events ‘promote’ them IRL, right?

It wasn’t an Alliance vs Horde post (I do have Alliance characters too, all Night Elves, ironically) :smiley:

Edit - if not me, please ignore me, usually for the best :innocent:

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i can’t wait for the jailer to betray sylvanas and kill her in a “shocking reveal” mocking the loyalists how useful a pawn she was it’s a fitting end to her character everyone that thought they was a chess master in fiction have had their life or this unlife end badly

i can only hope we loot a full set of transmog armor of her corpse after my hunter needs a new look

Omg me too, I mean I have a human 120 and I’m trying to level a Void Elf but I love Night Elves so much, like I can’t play other Alliance race haha!

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Will more likely be the other way around :innocent: