Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

Why, do we need to post 24/7 so it doesn’t die?
This isn’t High Elf spam thread.


Cuz I have a sense for this.

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She is clearly a pawn, also Jailer is the one who empowers her which means Jailer also knows how to take them all back to himself.

Yup that is how I think the expansion is going to end, she will either take all his powers when she overthrows him, or she will likely lose all those powers when it is shown that she is on our side.

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On whos side? I dont think someone on my side do things like she does in BFA.
Ah Ilidan does. But after TBC he was useless, only breaking lore.

You know wether it gets justified then it will be forced wether you like it or not? The same way us loyalists had to go through the disgusting same things as the Saurfang Rebels / work with Jaina like eww and kill Dark Rangers, no matter how much we hated doing that ? And if not then we will just be forced again to go against her, but im on the side of hoping she will get a decent story, again its a waiting game .

Patience is a virtue ,piglet.

On a side note this was Sylvanas throughout BFA, she even calls Tauren that sided with her to Ghostlands only loyalists


She killed hope at teldrassil.
Sorry, wow after wotlk and good story are 2 opposite sides.
Best end is, if she die in cinematic like voljin.

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Well im on a different mindset than the way you are thinking, with the knowledge of Anima, and how some heroes carry more, based on her first option

  1. Kill Malfurion.
  2. Take teldrasil hostage.

Malfurion seems to be the type of guy that carries a jackpot of anima, Saurfang didnt follow through ( I know she could have killed him, really wish she did) , but a thousand innocent Night Elves to suffice for one Malfurion .

The way she says Burn it ! BURN IT ! Like quick now this is my only option she knows Malfurion hearthed with Tyrande to Stormwind, I dont see the people saying why Tyrande did not evacuate or try something she just ran to Malfurion, and hearthed him to Stormwind while her citizens were literally close to the Horde army/ Warchief

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Try harder, there are few.
Still dont understand why she could be my ally after all that.


Delusional Corpse Lady loyalists never change :man_facepalming: They still think we can be ally with the Corpse Lady after dozens of war crimes she committed :man_facepalming:


Here they come!!

This is a loyalist thread


Calm down calm down, I won’t be staying long, this topic was created for circle jerk I know :smile_cat:

Byee Bubbleee

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My kids are listening to kids bop !

Bye bye mr I want Satyr.

At the end of the day none of you are writing the story in wow

Lets see how Shadowlands plays out :wink:


But blizz thinks that way too, it was horrible in legion when there was Illidan with green name.

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Death Knights happened.

Demon Hunters happened.

Maybe after Shadowlands when our “corpselady” gets redeemed Dark Rangers could happen, also some Dark Rangers lost faith in her so there is that


Shiit happens, repeatedly. Shadowlans are not different.

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I told you, keep this thread alive, I will come back when she dies :wave:

It would be too many repetition, people already have little to no faith in their writing talents, that would be disastrous xD

We will have Satyr race one day by the way. I will not give up.


Nasty Bubble