Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

Ok ok you have trust level 3

I sure do ! :hatched_chick:

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I can say the same for Jaina , as a Blood Elf (they even mentioned it in the Baine rescue campaign u know exactly what im talking about) but you see we dont get to choose whatever happens happens.

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Another broken character from MoP. I remember her from W3. There are her characteristics, not in new bad writing wowshiit expansions.

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Trustlevels are such a retarded system. Which idiot had the idea to introduce them?


Im shocked by your response, what people dont get truly is that as a Sylvanas loyalist we wanted a way different narrative, I really did not want to side with Jaina, Thrall, and especially Baine , but we were forced to do it so I dont see why I really dont see why they could be allies like , suddenly Im killing the people I love the most Sindorei ,mages one Orc lady , and Dark Rangers , their lives seem to not matter.

So my point stands if Sylvanas’s actions gets redeemed , and she sides with all of us, even if you have I hate Sylvanas tattooed on your forehead you will side with her.

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Because i dont want another legion experience, and probably i will buy shadowlands only on sale and play it for few weeks :stuck_out_tongue:, she may become whatever, there will be no justice.

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What are trustlevels?

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Discount Grommash dude, let us create a circle jerk thread too so that we can have the trust level 3, even 4.

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Jaina has no justice in my eyes yet we got to get her down til 5%. Then we suddenly forgot her actions.

All the Warbringers apart from Sylvanas was a raidboss that canonically lived . I see this happening with Sylvanas too we confront her , then learn something.

Anyways im off to bed !

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I had trust level 3 before this thread even existed! Try opening the Satyr thread again

For what it is? I do not trust you, but there is noone on internet i trust.


Isn’t worth the work. Since it takes 3 months and cuz I will probably unsub after all 8.3 stuff is done for me.

This some stupid concept of good boy points. You can link all links and post gifs!

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Did you skip the whole entire expansion? It was constantly made apparent that HOPE survived, heck they even did the whole Saurfang death cinematic about it. The whole entire reason of the factions reuniting was because of HOPE.

Thank God your 500 achivement having a$$ isn’t invovled in the writing process. This is down right awful. LMAO. The nerve to critque the lore and then say some stupid S like this? Hol’ up, Dan or Dave is that you?

So, no one blinks an eye when Tyrande runs away and lets her people burn to death but, when the Dark Lady defends her postion and tries to prolong the life of her race she’s the bad guy? Genn chased her. She retaliated. Simple as that. Why do you think Anduin has respect for Sylvanans? Because he is aware of the agenda Genn and Tyrande is pushing onto the public. Elune abaonded her for a reason, her intentions aren’t pure. (Lore wise)

What an edgy thing to say on the internet, you should reroll Void Elf and go be pals with Aigø


It’s discussed in this, basically forum perks.

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Have a peaceful life. It ain’t gonna happen.


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Aww, there’s no need to be rough on someone expressing their opinion on Sylvanas. We don’t share the same views, but it’s an open discussion board for all views. Surely you want to give the best impression that Sylvanas fans are nice people?

Besides, pinkfist is such a cute name for a gnome :heart: