Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

The big question is what will happen to Sylvanas loyalist in Shadowlands ?
There is no way i start to fight agaist Sylvana as a Shadowlands end game boss :frowning:


I’ve heard that, that whole thing has ended, come BfA.

The whole #TeamSaurfang/#TeamSylvanas, is a BfA only thing.

Would be amazing ! It looks scary on the Night Elf it looks like blood stains very horrific I want it !

Time and time again Sylvanas says “you will be rewarded” Ion said in Blizzcon that she will remember the loyalists if we ever confront her, I think we will get something to be honest.

Huge possibility we will get something , I am hoping for it !

I’d tone that down.
It was asked and they have said that it’s a BFA only thing, which does make sense.

I’d rather they leave as much of BFA behind as possible.

A lot of stuff was asked, like the gift of nzoth for example, and look how those turned out, only those most patient got their rewards.

And yes ! I agree I want fresh stuff next expansion, not extentions from previous

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I’d still love a similar option to side with Sylvanas still. Even if it’s not forcibly tied to the choices you made in BfA. And maybe even let the alliance get in on the inside scoop if some of them want to. The factions are afterall “nothing” in her eyes.

We’re missing out on way too much of the story without Sylvanas’ point of view. Which is one of the main criticism of BfA’s story, we have no clue what’s going on. And I’d like to know more, even if it’s just tied to siding with Sylvanas.

And it’s a win win since Sylvanas haters don’t even care much about lore anyways. They can’t be bothered to read quest text so they’re not losing anything by not siding with her in this case.

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Id like to see that aswell , time and time again people compared to her Garrosh, yet ive been here comparing her to Illidan to be honest I think she will be neutral, but this could be the end of her story line , or just the beginning sorting out the Issue with death, and coming back to the Horde as a character with no hidden agendas (which i would gladly follow)

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Hey, this is not true. Sylvanas haters care about the lore aswell. Siding with her is only an option if you consider to have an alt who isn’t a member of the new Horde.


I wish the Alliance got to pick Tyrande or Anduin

Could one be a Sylvanas cinematic ? Similar to Antorus ending where Sargares plunged the sword


Idk, wouldn’t it be better if Blizzard would invest more into the storytelling, and if all the races would get in depth their own stories, with having 2 general stories of the expansion for each of the factions. For me as a draenei doesn’t rly make sense to have either human or night elf as a leader. I would like rather a council of races instead of having Anduin or any individual leading alone the alliance, something like the Citadel council is in the Mass Effect series.

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I’m having doubts how we will see Sylvanas before we get the patch which would introduce us to the next expansion. Once that patch arrives I’m expecting both her and Bolvar having major roles in it, and later on in the expansion. Bolvar will most likely have the same role for the Shadowlands expansion like Illidan had for the Legion.


What if Sylvanas, and Saurfang planned the whole thing to happen in private, she told him once in Lorderon I can let you see your son , what if she explained to him how to fend for himself in the Maw with all the other souls, and the twist is that to make it seem believable for all citizens of Azeroth to be in the Shadowlands , and save a bigger threat that is incoming.


OMG And, what if Anduin is involved with it, what if Saurfang told him in the holding cell? The betrayal Tyrande would feel OMG! Honestly this would be amazing 10/10 would subscribe!

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The real Battle For Azeroth, and Sylvanas was the scapegoat for the whole thing to be believed!

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She had to be for to pull the whole plan off!

Ugh her mind…so powerful.

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Omg it needs to! Need to se her again this expansion! :heart:

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I really think the theory sounds awesome , like Saurfang knew , which is why Sylvanas called everyone NOTHING instead of trying to kill another character like why would she not just so they could hunt her down so both armies make it to the Shadowlands .

Wow! Almost 3k replies. Bring the “Still a Sylvanas Loyalist Part II” thread ! We’ll need it, Soon™. :smile:

Victory for Sylvanas!

Anar’alah belore! Shindu fallah na Sin’dorei!

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But Jaina is totally fine right? Poor little girl that lost her daddy, can do the sh*t she wants but it is all fine in the end.