Still a Sylvanas Loyalist

For someone who likes the forsaken. I still would like her to be leader of the forsaken over the lightforged nonsense. Uughh.


Yeah, I think if Calia turns to be the leader of the Forsaken…well, most of us won’t like it, and tbh I love blood elves but I don’t want another race like “omg we should pray for the light!”, at least not in the Horde. I like the variety of faith on the Horde. Of course some Forsaken still believe on the light (maybe the minority) and that’s ok.


She’s cool and all but her place is on the Alliance.


Sry but trading Sylvanas for Calia is like trading a Pagani Zonda for a Golf Car.


A very poor choice!!! But we don’t get to make it so we will have to wait and see.


Yeah LFU is a stupid idea to begin with and hope it doesn’t seep into allied races or race customizations. I hope horde end up killing Calia or something. :confused:


Yeah , so far the Undead Night Elves are the only ones that followed Calia, she or Derek doesnt show interest in the Horde , there was ONE undead Blood Elf, but her name was very Night Elfish, anyways yes there are still Banshee Loyalists as they call us in Orgrimmar, and if Dark Ranger gets introduced they will give that to us by original ones in the horde new nelf for the alliance.


At first Alliance was totally no Undead faction.
Then they got Death Knights, and then Calia.
They can get Undead Night Elves now, that way we don’t mess up lore with the Light Undead ideia and those Undead Night Elves, without Sylvanas leading, make more sense with their living people anyway. They can just say that they were bound to her will and now they’re not anymore.

And I mean the Night Elves accepted the remaining original Highborne back + Demon Hunters, this would just be +1 ‘‘not your normal Night Elf’’ to their ranks.


This is so bloody true… :face_with_hand_over_mouth::sob:

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Exactly, and they are Dark Rangers so it can be an Alliance class tooo !


As much as I support another Night elf reskin Dark Rangers I feel San Layn/Darkfallen would be a better option as they bring a lot more than just undeath with the blood curse on Horde side IMO.


Unless it’s unique, a Darkfallen is simply a Blood Elf Death Knight in every method of appearance, except swapping out blue eyes for red eyes, in recent cases.

If we go back further, the Darkfallen NPCs in ICC were Blood Elf Death Knights in every method of appearance and with all due respect, I’d rather either just have the Dark Ranger class and Night Elves and Blood Elves have adjustments accordingly or we simply move away from Elf-like models altogether as we have got Horde/Alliance Night Elves and Horde/Alliance Blood Elves now.

Now I don’t see the Dark Ranger class coming anytime soon - mainly because we’ve got our Night Elf/Blood Elf shared class with the Demon Hunter.


Calia Menethil might have a cool looking model, but a light forged undead leading the Forsaken will be devisive.

Some Forsaken still ‘cling to hope’ as Sylvie put it, the ones who want to reconnect with their living relatives, while the rest have embraced their undeath (from my understanding). The former might welcome Calia, while I’d imagine the latter might hate her. Something along those lines.

First thing I’d do as a Forsaken ‘loyalist’ is hatch a plan to take her out, along with her Proudmore consort. In the meantime, let’s hope our errant queen knows what she’s doing :crossed_fingers:


!! There is a leak its on MMO Champion, I dont want to hype it, but the expansion will apparently be called Lament Of The Queen, I googled what Lament is it means deep sadness, anyways Sylvanas’s song is called Lament Of The Highborne, her Voice Actress decided this summer to cover the song Lament of The Highborne in 2019 , she has been voicing Sylvanas for 10 years why do a cover of an existing song that has nothing to do with the story moving forward ? Coincidence maybe, anyways the leak says Dark Ranger as a class, I didnt bother reading all because I dont want my hopes up too high, and its very common for fake leaks to come up before Blizzcon


These are all faked but I still thought of you when I saw it


Now that is one leak I wish was true, sounds awesome.


It sounds so true ! I read it just now it sounds real like, imagine starting at the dragon isles , and then that expansions argus is Shadowlands ?


Dark Lady watch over us. Always. Nothing changed. The Horde is the red Alliance now, it is a true shame it has come to this. Hopefully the next Xpac will do our Queen a better favor.

Considering she meant Alliance and Horde I am okay with that. Really. My Zandalari has nothing to do with those weak Anduin boot lickers like Baine and friends. Di Chuka!


Hey you cant hype me like this !!! I wish this is real NOW ill scream


And the 900th comment is mine

Victory for Sylvanas!