As I said, I am not pure good. But those people are not “different”, they have bad upbringing/education. So if they want to play a certain game (for example) they will become educated/trained to not speak bad words. This would be the requirement, in an ideal scenario. Just as is in Final Fantasy. What stops Blizzard from implementing the same?
That’s what leftists do, cannibalise themselves.
What was the case where the woman from a leftist org transitioned, and instead of getting praised for being brave and different and getting that lbgtq-helicopter respect, they kicked her out saying “nah you can’t be in this org no more, because you are a man”.
Can’t make this shhhd up. They are just insane. Zero logic. No sense. Just crying for power like toddlers, look at me look at me, obey me, do as I want waa waaa waaa.
The presence of blacklist, I suppose?
There’s no need in banning everyone or making people stop playing the game if you can create your ideal world by yourself by just blacklisting them. Else you are just a bloodthirsty carnivor that desires an utter destruction of a person till they can’t play no more
Problem is, the lack of control from Blizzard makes people think they can get away with anything. The result is…you can’t imagine. I am a member of several FB groups where every 5 or 6-th post is about how toxic the pugs are, and that those people refuse and stop playing in groups, totally because of this. The situation is getting out of hand. I play since 2008 and I watch that gradually pugging becomes more and more toxic. It has nothing to do with destruction of a person. It’s a like a domino effect. The effect of a crowd. More and more people start to use bad words and abuse, and more and more people refuse to group up because of this.
It’s the internet’s anonymity, not the Blizz’s fault. Still doesn’t mean we should run all over the place with banhammers, lusting for blood of those who dared call us a bad name
Oh no I imagine it’s more extreme
Son of a fatherless ogre?
That hurts his team, not him. Not a good solution.
These “heated gamer moments” have been part of the game since Vanilla. It’s part of what makes an mmorpg social. You can’t have good without bad. Can you imagine if these devs were in charge of the game during Vanilla? Barrens chat wouldn’t exist because everyone would have been banned. There would be no socializing because everyone would be afraid to type something lest they hurt someone’s feelings. The modern-day left is becoming more and more anti-free speech like authoritarian countries.
Oh no. What a great loss. Imagine all those high-brow eloquent discussions not seeing the light of day. Humanity would be diminished as a whole.
Once again, that’s what “good people” look like
Because muh human rights. They feel like they’re owed the ability to be scumbags and to disagree is political
Or what?
Thank you it never gets old see’ing that
How can you even swear in chat - if I call someone a xy@# it looks like this in chat .
Did you miss the new terms of service and code of conduct? You agreed to them after all.
I’d edit out the profanity, as even though it is censored by yourself, it will still be classed as such, and you may get a forum holiday.
You have a very low rating with tons of games played and more losses than wins. I think you might be the problem and not the others you get very upset with.
You sound like a delicate little flower that gets upset very easily and feels you have to act out because of it. I think it’s time to grow up don’t you.
rather its time to stop PvP in this garbage game