Stop boosters!

Utter nonsence. I did raid in tbc and wotlk. I had my fair share of it. But i am not 18 anymore and i cant commit to most peoples raiding times.

So the little time i do have for wow i do the stuf i like. PvP 5man mythic levering alts. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see current content without LFR. Its not about pride.

Hang on, you talked about boosting, and now you talk about LFR>…

I dotn think I mentioned LFR… did I?

I said something totally different but okay :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Neather did i talk about boosting. I would simply like the Mount and to see/experiance latest content.

I havent seen any booster sinds classic is out

Then simply use Looking For Raid and Heroic Dungeons or even lower Mythic keys. It was actually specifically designed for players like yourself so you can experience the content without getting good at the game :wink:

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