What makes you think that toxic behaviour in the playerbase is a Retail mindset?
That Classic is “over-analysed” and min-maxed to its core is not the fault of Retail players. Were antisocial activities like the devilsaur mafia established by Retail players? Certainly not.
The toxic state of Classic comes from degenerates within the Classic playerbase. This was further exacerbated by a pseudo-elitist mindset which some people for what ever reason seem obligated to display. Degenerates among the Retail players which came to Classic later only added to the already existing rot in the community.
So the problem are the degenerates not the Classic or Retail players.
Thinking about it: I do not know, if Classic is really stronger in its social aspect. Should this be the case, it seems cosequential to assume that it is even the better place (“mechanically”, so to say) for pathologic people whose only purpose to make other lives miserable. An example would be the possibility to ninja loot in contrast to personal loot.