Stop boosting, save WoW

Boosting in WoW classic damages the game and community. It floods the LFG channel, making it harder for players to find genuine groups. Boosting also disrupts alt progression by creating empty content brackets and widens the gap between players. While sold for in-game gold, it often leads to gold buying, fueling botting and account hacking. Say no to boosting to preserve the integrity of the game.


Come to hardcore :slight_smile:

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Report boosting advertisement outside of Services global channel, if I can get a total week’s silence, making the game virtually unplayable, for posting innocuous chinese pasta meme in a Molten Core general chat, I am sure the same would happen to a boosting ad if enough karens report it.
Other than that, let people play the way they want, not everyone is interested in playing the tutorial (1-59) over and over and over and over again once they did it on all 9 classes.
It’s perfectly fine if it’s your thing to do Tannaris/Feralas/Hinterlands quests for the 20th time, but not everyone wants to play like that, and your way is not necessarily only (or right) way.

boosting is not the issue. the issue is the optimal way to level is having someone else kill mobs for you. Spellcleave can be just as good, but most players are too bad to do it nowadays. Rogues, warlocks and druids are usually just a waste of space in dungeon groups.

Questing in classic is completely flawed and seems to be designed towards a single player game. If you do it in group you are usually impaired unless you are playing with an equal/greater skill player of a useful class and in the places where it makes you go too fast you end up just having to do mindless mob grind. Making all quests have shared rewards, boosting quest xp would greatly improve the leveling experience.

Also with these overpopulated servers, despite some zones being underpopulated you still have serious issues with spawn times with certain quests. You can also clear every single spawnpoint and depending on RNG incorrect mob could spawn in the shared point leaving u sitting around/just grinding mobs instead of progressing on your quests.

With Anniversary Classic being rushed in 1 year it’s no wonder boosting is booming.
I mean, if someone starts to play now, even if they play efficiently to level, BWL will be out by the time they hit 60, and then you still have a lot of things to do. This rush (un)ironically “supports” gold/boost sellers.


Completly agree with Thayita. I don’t boost myself, I don’t buy boosts and I don’t sell boosts.

However, I think it’s completly respectable if people want to boost themselves, sell boost to others, or buy boosts. It’s a choice. I just chose not to do it.

I guess I’m one of those weirdos who are interested.

But i disagree in calling the 1-59 leveling process “the tutorial”. However thats just my subjective opinion.

I’d say the tutorial is actually from lvl 1 to lvl 6, and ends around the time you finish all quests in your starter zone, complete the quest to get to the first inn, and set your HS for the first time.

But if you think 1-59 is the tutorial, then you might as well call AQ40 the tutorial too. And the real game starts at Naxx. Or even call Naxx tutorial as well, and say that the real games starts at doing PvP. Maybe include BGs as part of the tutorial and say that the real game starts at open world PvP.


I so agree and am fed up of all the spam in Yell and General…I report it all the time. It makes hanging out in SW annoying and I when I have asked genuine questions in general it just gets lost among the spam. The channels are now effectively useless.


While I think it’s a cool concept, it’s not for me. I die too often and don’t want to keep rerolling! All respect, though, to those of you who enjoy playing that way.


You could say that, but you would be wrong. There are 3 main milestones, like you said, lvl 6 once you get your inn, first few skills, professions, see your capital, then around lvl 20 when you get most your core skills and start going to 5man dungeons (and on PvP realms entering contested zones) and the largest one at 60 when you have all your toolkit, no longer progress via XP but via gear improvements and get access to all main game modes, like PvP, raids, end-game dungeons, rep grinds etc.
It is very similar philosophy to Diablo games in fact, where many also argue that the game starts after you beat the final boss.
And yeah, maybe I was being a bit glib about it being a “tutorial”, but it is undeniable that for the vast majority of players the game begins at 60, hence all the celebratory congratulations in guild chats as people “ding” 60, start signing for raids, collecting PreBiS, grinding ranks etc.
This is of course even more prominent in the following expansions, with heroic mode dungeons, arena etc. There the game truly begins at max level.

And obviously I’m gonna get replies with “but I enjoy the journey”. Good for you. Most of us see it as chore, hence all the boosting.

And most of us see earning gold as a chore, so it’s ok to buy gold?
Most of us see farming pre-bis stuff as a chore, so put back the GDKP and increase the drop rate by 300%?
Most of us see whatever as a chore, so Blizzard gives us the possibility of having a full naxx character, epic mount, etc., by taking out the mastercard, in the end we just want to feel like we won the game without playing it.

We can go far with this reasoning.
Boosting is an illicit method of leveling, and those who practice it don’t like this game and should return to Retail or any other modern game that gives everything effortless.


If it was not agains ToS, e.g. WoW token, yes, absolutely. Sadly token comes in later expensions, and not the one where buying consumes is actually unreasonably expensive. You bet your green behind i’d buy a token or 5 to go into every AQ and Naxx with a flask and a full set of elixirs/oils/pots.

Wouldn’t at all mind bad luck protection like sidereal/scourgestone in Wrath Classic. That was objectively great system that encouraged geared players to go back to 5 man dungeons.

Now you are just rambling. We are talkig about boosting as a concept, not that some people buy it with RMT gold. Yes ban every illegal gold buyer permanently for all I care. That is completely beside the point of whether boosting should or should not be made against ToS.
I don’t even sell or buy boosts, I just don’t level alts because the thought of levelling another character to 60 in vanilla world makes me wanna puke. I was gritting my teeth even with Nicolay, just because I wanted to raid vanilla raids with a guild again. Maybe when we have Wrath and RDF with Joyous Journeys, I’ll make a full heirloom alt and level it in random dungeons, but not before.
If Blizz wanted to get rid of boosting, they can just make it that if you are 10 levels or more above your party, they get no XP like they did in Wrath, no skin off my back either way since again, I don’t do boosting.

It literally is not illicit tho, it’s perfectly legit until daddy Blizz says otherwise, so kindly stuff your untrue accusations where sun don’t shine, you troll :wink:

I don’t care what you consider allowed or accepted in WoW, all these behaviors listed in my previous post are a symptom of the cancer that is the modern “gamerzzz” mentality and have no place in WoW Classic, there Retail for the greedy and hyperactive egoists that are this community of players who pollute Classic.


I don’t care about your uninformed opinions you spout on wow forum either.

We are here to stay, too bad, so sad, gg no re.

Sad but 100% true :frowning_face:

hm, how ? do people really read LookingForGroup chat ? You are supposed to filter those messages with addon called LFGBulletinBoard.

You don’t need to read those messages to find group, addon already filtering groups for you.

At start /join LookingForGroup
and than
right click on it and move to new window, and never open that.


You are so right… just hope they get bored and go back to retail. I tried retail and the thing I just couldn’t get over is just how ridiculously easy it all was, no challenge at all left in the game. You don’t need skill, patience or even a good guild progress. It might be a generational thing, but I just can’t see how that is the right direction to go in.


if more and more people chooses to get boosted over doing the content the way it was intended when it was made, then this is an issue. Sticking your head in the sand does nothing.

No, i wont stop boosting.

I totally agree to everything you write here. And that’s why we old-school gamers love Vanilla. However, there’s now also “retail generation” that pollutes classic and almost demands it to evolve into retail - lazy game, seemingly unaware of how much this could hurt classic in the long run. (classic is classic and not classic + )

Vanilla era will likely run for about a year or so before transitioning into The Burning Crusade. Players who start later and don’t have an established main character will find it much harder to form groups for levelling and may burn out by relying solely on questing.

It’s also beyond a doubt that the prevalence of boosting contributes significantly to the Real Money Trading (RMT) scene. Someone has to be living under a rock not to see the connection.


Exactly, I do think there is a genuine problem with the direction gaming is going in, where rewards and results are expected without having to do anything to actually achieve them - short of using what ever effort was put into earning RM I guess. It’s like a need for a quick cheat dopamine hit which lacks any of the genuine feelings of satisfaction and achievement. I just don’t get it!

I read on another post about someone paying $500 to get someone to farm BGs so they got the grand marshal title. Yet, what do they get out of this? That wasn’t their achievement, It’s meaningless. Does status and (perceived) respect from other players matter so much that you will pay and cheat for this? Do epics and end game content matter so much that you will pay RLM to have an insta 60?

Back in Classic Classic I did weeks of farming BGs to get the Lieutenant Commander PvP set. There was no way I was going for Marshal! but I was content with not being decked out in purple, it was a goal to improve, and always nice to have an epic, but I never felt inadequate without it. I made a lot of friends, and had a lot of fun, that is what I valued most - this is what is disappearing from the game, and why I hated Retail so much. Let’s hope Blizzard, one day, will “get” this.