Stop crying and go on one of the new servers

Should have opened at least 25 English realms.

New servers are tourist mode, blizz have said they don’t want to do transfers so why would anyone who wants to play classic long term risk going on a new server now?

oh you mean from shazzrah to golemagg to gehennas to firemaw to mograine to ashbringer ? like that? kz that’s what me and my 14 guildies did and we were screwed each time we transferred because all realms ended up with high queue times. If we switch now, we can play tonight. But tomorrow it will be the same thing with the newest realms being full.
Blizzard released 2 PVP English realms when it should have been 15 as a starter. and yet people like you call us crybabies when its blizzard who are incompetent here.


It just gives you a chance to play whilst waiting for the queues to die down I guess

How many rerolls do you have OP?

I have 5, each better than the last.


They cant support everyone trying to play all at the same time so 15 realms would have meant nobody could play.

That’s fair, but when’s it gonna stop? We’ve already moved three times and the new servers are getting locked in a couple hours too so it’s hopeless to keep hopping.

Agreed, total waste of time moving

Literally just a case of leave your pc on and wait or just come back in a few days. If you think about it there isn’t much blizz can do. They can add 10 new realm. Everyone in a queue join the realms. Everything goes well. Those people now wanna go back and play with their friends who are on the realm with the queue. Their reroll server dies. Back to square 1.

I went to a new low pop server ,and atm i’m in queve 2h

Precisely. It would be one thing if you 100% knew that if you abandoned your character/characters and rerolled you would have no queues.

However in the current state it could be you reroll and the new server just swells up and you are back at square one with the difference of having invested time rerolling for nothing.

Feels like free transfer is the only sure way.

Or they could just wipe all servers, change all server names and relaunch. So people had to distribute again and had no ties to old servers. Obviously will never happen and I’m joking but long term maybe it wouldn’t be half bad lol.

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5 hours in the que on one of the “New” servers. That’s not going to be solved by just jumping form server to server. While it might not be something they can fix over night, it is definitely something that needs to be looked at.

Not fair on the people who have been playing thus far though. There is someone on twitch at level 36 or so. I don’t think they would be impressed at a server wipe :joy:

Would be a good idea but would makes the queues even longer because then EVERYONE would be in queue

wait what. that made no sense to me. not saying it in a mean way. i really didn’t understand what you meant they can’t support everyone playing at the same time.
realms are completely separate here, this isn’t a mega server kind of tech and there is no sharding for cross realm leveling so more realms is exactly what allows them to support everyone playing at the same time.

I still have faith they’re working on the issue and will have a solution within day or two. What they are doing so far isn’t working.

Each server is separate like you said but I think they all fall under some sort of master. Cant imagine they can support 1million odd people trying to login at the same time. I could be wrong but it seems like a massive task. They already said in a blue post that each layer on each server hold more than any vanilla server did and there is atleast 5 layers per server.

Yeah I know. Wasn’t a serious suggestion just spitballing ideas.

And how would you have felt if they just moved your created character to a different server?

What do you want them to do if you are too stubborn to move to a less populated server?

My new server is at 2h+ queue

Would love to see it happen that’s for sure :joy::joy: