You really are grasping at straws at this point.
So they either A, had a store mount, and made a recolour you could get in game.
Or B made a recolour of ingame mount to add to the shop, they in no way removed anything from the game to add it to the store
You’re funny… you know that’s factually wrong, no?
Technically you could buy gold, but who would do that for this clown suit.
You are the reason why GD is avoided by any decent player.
Literally your whole post was nonsense.
I don’t want things for free. I personally want to earn it like every other mount in this game.
And i think looking at yt 22000 people agree with me while 3000 disagree. Ur the minority bud.
But in the forums the majority of the minority is usually the loudest
Anyone who wants it?
Ye, keep on whining though because you’re not special now. The reason why people don’t take GD serious is actually because of people like you, who bought 4 storemounts themselves, then cry because there’s something new that they don’t get for free. You are hilarious.
hahaha and then goes on to mention youtube likes.
If you do not want to give Blizzard money ,than why do you pay for the game?
I dont want to give money for in game shop, which i dont do.
So in your mind, it was better to have the unique mounts in shop for $$$ only (token was only for sub, which is how it should have stayed), instead of being reward for reaching exalted reputation for fitting faction?
I don’t know if you live in denial but you are actually the reason. Really.
u play the damn game to have fun and feel special whats the point. I believe you are geniously trolling and it’s kinda hard
With a store mount u dont feel special if you can’t understand that then idk what to tell ya. Maybe if they put a sticker of a 20€ bank note on the mount people like you can feel special.
That’s why you bought 4 of them? Who is the troll here?
I don’t need to feel special in a videogame and I don’t care if other people have something I do not. But thanks for confirming that you indeed just want to be a special snowflake in a videogame.
My favourite mounts actually come from inside the game.
You paid for 4 store mounts and you have yet to feel special? I’d recommend not buying anymore if that is the case.
You do know it is collectors who mostly care about these things, which you clearly arent and will never understand it. If you dont care about this, just focus on playing game, since it dont impact you in any way, shape or form.
If blizzard just added an unarmed weapon transmog (hide option) that could be applied to any weapon I would buy it with a 3 year subscription really.
Then dont
It’s not a case of better or worse.
There are still unique rep mounts, there are still unique raid mounts, pvp mounts, m+ mounts and so on.
So what if one is in the store
I literally never paid for them. I actually got them gifted back in MoP.
Does it change my point? Not really i did express my opinion on it. Regardless if i had them or not.
You just dont understand the logic behind earning unique rewards. You seem to me like a casual player who wants everything in his mail box upon logging in. Is it that?
It’s amazing that you come to that conclusion. I’m not the one here asking for everything nor do I need to have something that other people have. That’s some serious projection there.
Okay here is how it goes…
Current situation for the mog:
- Blizz made it so it’s free for those who have a 6 month recurring sub
- Blizz placed the transmog on the Transmog tab in the game for: 20 euros
How to get it:
- Have a 6 month sub going on and get it for free
- Pay with credit card 20 euros
- Pay with account balance 20 euros (can grind the gold and make it into account balance) - 1 token is 13 euros, so let’s say 1.5 tokens worth
Alternate situation for the mog:
- Blizz placed the transmog on a vendor in-game for: 300k gold
How to get it:
- Grind 300k (a token is about 200k, so 1.5 tokens worth)
- Buy tokens to get the gold, 1.5 tokens worth
Which situation is more advantageous for the players?
The current one. So your dissatisfaction is doing harm to the players by “offering” them a WORSE deal.
I am a collector and i really think this is awesome ,the way Blizz gives small gifts to people who are playing the game. It’s easy to go and rant and become a keyboard warrior without any solid base…
Well i dont.
So it wouldnt be better to have unique reputation mounts for factions, but have it for shop instead, if you want i guess. Most reputation mounts in bfa are recolors (for example alliance horses and griffin), m+ mount also recolor.
You are the one who thinks 20€ is a rightful requirement for these mounts. So yeah.
Why players are upset is because these mounts could have been EASILY unique cool ingame rewards to earn and not another microtransaction.