Stop defending the Transmog set from the shop

hahaha for real? And he calls me a “big sheep”. Hilarious.

Well when you buy a car, they have a selection of colors that dont increase car price, but then they also have different selection of colors of same exact quality and properties, that cost far more, why? And you dont seem to understand that in game shop is taking something out from your car price, and reselling it to you again. Lets say you could buy car for 100k with 4 doors always, then one day, suddenly 4 doors is OPTIONAL extra for extra 20k, for absolute no reason other than make more money.

You are right!

I’ve seen more “stop defending” posts than I have seen people actually defending it.


Yeah, imagine having the audacity to speak against the shop but actively purchases exclusive items, just imagine.

Quick question for you, have you purchased Shadowlands? and if so, which version? The base version, or the Epic version, or the collectors edition (not sure if there are more or their names).

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people dont get that promotional is not the same as store.
i personally dont mind promotional stuff, it was done many times before, as long as it is REMOVED from the game after the promotion ends, and not sold for 20 euros.
some stuff like diablo 3 wings and pets is unobtainable anymore because it was promotional. this is how things should be. not bought in store.

and there are long term reprocusion for having store in-game items sold. it WILL lead to end-game items sold for real money.

I was gifted epic version. And i could go around yelling, but i got it for fReE, but no, i try to explain people having sub, paid expacs AND shop not being a good thing.

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So are you unhappy with the person who gifted it to you because they spent more on it than they could have?

Guess not, one rule for one, one rule for another?

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Yes im unhappy that they spent more than should have, because blizz insist on using in game store to put more stuff. Either have expacs OR store, not both.

Because some colour funnily enough is more expensive to buy for the manufacturers as well, so therfor you have to pay extra for those colours… imagine that.

And let’s make something clear, the in game shop does not take anything away to then sell it.
It was made for the shop from the get go. So your analogy is idiotic at best. Your analogy makes it sound like they removed invincible from the loot table, only to add it in the shop. Which is not the bloody case

Then send it back?

Or are you just going to be hypocritical?

I have to defend Blizzard on this one really.

As with all businesses a secure steady income now is more important then a unsecure bigger income in the future.

Therefor every company wants most of theyr customers to do a 6 month subscription rather than 1 month reccuring. It gives a company economic peace to look and plan ahead insted of just planning for the next month.

That they are willing to give the users a little visual treat on top of a discount to secure that econimic peace and more steady income than what the more bumpy 1 month sub would give them is fine really.


Send back gift? You are not the sharpest tool are you. When you are gifted something, you take it, not tell them to take it back.

Oh so thats why wod mounts were recolors and unique reputation fitting mounts in shop, got it.

You also have 4 store mounts along with your gifted epic version…

All gifted aswell, but nice try buddy. I actually try to prevent people to gift me shop mounts, because i dont support this business practice.

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So… would it have been better for Blizzard to simply put the transmog set on a vendor in-game for 300k gold? :slight_smile:

If that was even remotely true, i want friends like yours.

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Yes it would have been better, because that wouldnt give blizz extra $$$.

Never seen such a trash transmog, definitely not worth the 6 month sub