Was thinking the same thing. Red through all his posts and not one were offensive.
This is blatant misuse of the report system.
Was thinking the same thing. Red through all his posts and not one were offensive.
This is blatant misuse of the report system.
So, this “PvPer” can’t deal with other players in-game and has it off, and can’t deal with other players on forums, misuses report system and for the problem he created in the first place. That’s just ****.
I hope Vaëyn will just ignore this coward, who can only talk trash from the safety of WM off.
You are assuming those that WPvP care about Arena rating. Arena is a competitive sport, WM is fun kills. Comparing the two is pointless. Arena requires skill, WPvP requires a sense of fun. Something Arena elitists seem to be lacking in… judging by some of the whispers I get
Flagging people that disagree is kinda lame tho… whoever did it. I guess if you can’t win an argument through skill, cheat huh?
Dont bother with idiots taking the game so seriously.
When people feel so salty after what you said that they keep replying to you week after your last post xD
Lol. Now why would anyone here be salty? Away and put yer head in a toilet and play bubbles.
You’ve come off as a complete elitist prat who had no real contribution to the topic other than try to big yourself up AND when challenged on it then reported another players posts. The only one here who thinks you’ve won, is you.
I sincerely hope, for your sake, that you are a child and have a lot of growing to do.
“Warmode off, maybe? Just a suggestion”
Dunning-Kruger-Effect victims at work again in posts like this; Unsurprising.
Give players incentives to do something, they will do it. That’s why anyone in their right mind activates Warmode doing boring open world chores with the risk of being interrupted by the opposing faction in the first place.
What blizzard jinxed MASSIVELY is give alliance multiple extra incentives to not only activate warmode, but also actively grief and disturb horde players doing their boring open world chores. I’m talking about kill quests here.
Your not particularly smart or bringing something of substances to a discussion if you just say “Oh, you can just disable warmode silly”.
You can also “just stop breathing” if the air in your city is polluted to cancer inducing levels. Nobody is forcing you to breathe except for your central nervous system.
Blizzard is in the position analogous to a dog keeper that decides how the dog (aka playerbase) is getting rewarded & treated for what they are doing in game and how. They either are not aware of their role here or are just massively incompetent in actually doing reasonable decisions.
Just think about it, 10% warmode benefit basically means for every 10 hours invested into open world content or leveling, you save 1 hour (2 hours for alliance). OF FING COURSE** people activate it. It’s not optional to get 10% extra reward. It’s the illusion of an option, not an actual one.
Turning off WM is a completely valid suggestion, for players that enable WM for bonus. That player turned on WM for efficiency reasons. If it’s more efficient to pve with WM off, and not interested in wpvp, turning it off is one solution. If they leave WM on even though it’s less efficient for them… that makes no sense, but their choice. WM doesn’t need any changes to make it easier for this player type to get the extra reward without earning it via gy walks. It’s good if this player type can be reduced though. The solution for that is a pvp one.
I will gank every single one of you peasants.
I agree, and the only changes I’d like to see would be the removal of all WPvP bonuses, even the talents. The biggest problem are the talents, because that will make people feel like they are missing out, and compelled to do WPvP for those talents.
Leveling with WM is pretty pointless, unless you like the adrenaline that comes with the danger. In most cases you will either get ganked by “lowbies” alot higher than you or 120s, untiil you hit the top-ish lvl bracket of a zone.
What reason in your high arena rating if u scared 1500 rating plebs?
Blizzard generally don’t give a any crap anything about Horde. Just unsub game guys. After they will start to realize our importance.
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