I have 9-5 job and I go out quite often. I know you will bring this argument as every guys like you does it when he is desperate.
You are running out of excuses. What will you bring next? Earthquake in Germany or tornado? Keine Ahnung
Interesting assumption since I have no room in my friend list and reached 2k with 3 different teams but what can I know about people wanting to play with me… Anyway I’m bored. Arguing with you was fun when you brought things that made me smile but this just boring. If you want any arena boost buy some pets and you can whisper me in game. I’m Polish so I can give you a discount as a neighbor xD
Then why make a war mode?
I’ll tell you mate because these people can PvP only if they have gear or numerous advantage. First they were complaining in Legion that they lose because they didn’t have gear advantage and raiders dumpstered them. Now they can just catch fresh alts and leveling players as mostly them have warmode for extra 10% rewards. What’s more did you notice that alliance players are the loudest in the topic because they have 20% buff xD
That’s pretty much it. Nothing more
And now once again in English? I didn’t understand a single sentence.
What does Arena have to do with War Mode? Two very different game modes. Arena is structured co-op progressed competition. WM is anything goes random fun kills, solo or group, no rules. Like comparing Arena to bg, and complaining you got 40 v 1 in Alterac. Different modes.
You and Melleriana are the same person! Hahahahaha…that’s just sad.
I don’t get this. Kindly explain good sir.
Probably, pretty button for /pvp + combining all servers together for sharding and possibility of more balanced WPvP population (just numbers) on these shards than on heavy skewed servers before. And as an additional result - players who were previously forced in to PvP servers (guilds / mythic / etc) now can play with who they want and how they want.
Basically, a more flexible and adaptive system then /pvp + servers before.
Btw, who flagged all Heliotrop’s posts? PvP “god” was offended too much?
It requires the sam skill if someone cannot reach 1550 in arena to get good gear for wpvp he is clown like mage above. I can reach 1550 with green gear from leveling not even trying.
The alliance gets no sweets if the group is larger than 5. Quests do not get any progression when in a raid group. So the zerging of large groups by Horde or Alliance is purely some peoples idea of having fun at the expense of others, or just honor farming the harde way.
There is still the case of incentive. Even if they get no contribution towards the 25-kill Quest it’s still there. It precence still gives enough reason to turn on War Mode. Plus you get the addition to the original 10% bonus for War Mode.
If sweets didn’t matter so much, then why have them at all? 6+ groups do not excuse the problem.
Well look at it from this point of view… The PvE alliance joining in only for that quest or bonus are pretty similar to how the era of “Horde mode” functioned. Back when Alliance who didn’t like PvP opted out(As they should), leaving the PvP players to have fun on their own. Since it suddenly became extremely polarized the PvE horde instead opted in for the free 10% making the issues even greater.
This was afterall the reason why alliance got the extra bonuses and the horde genocide quest to begin with, so now PvE alliance Opt in for the same reason as horde did for months. So in theory one could say the greatest offender in all of this are primarly the Horde PvE:er who went into WM only for the bonuses. But Horde just blame Alliance for opting out, when it’s really the right thing to do if you don’t want to participate. Why didn’t horde blame their own faction for just feeding on the free 10%?
If there was no bonus, we whould pretty much have no PvE horde or alliance in WM to begin with and much of these issues whould never had been a thing.
Now Blizzard have instead dubble downed on the WM giving even more bonuses. Aswell as adding way more conquest bonuses trought the assualts. Even if you don’t PvP the conquest give decent returns for capping out even on 0 rating, 385 gear have a decent TF ratio afterall and then the PvP Azerite pieces at the very least turn into some Residuum.
Doing a Assualt gives 50 + 50 from secret stash airdrops, so in theory doing just the assualts give you enought to almost cap out every week.
We are aware that tecnicaly its not a raid just multible groups of alliance all running into a area to complete the quest. But its basicaly a raid so I call them that.
It is really sad that the alliance think they need a insentive over the horde to play warmode, even sadder that blizzard capitulated to them rather than making the means of balancing them (like bounties) more fun and rewarding.
I will always argue against AOO as the concept of it dosnt work and damages WM as a whole. It cant be buffed becouse it rewards the faction that turns off warmode rather than people keeping it on and enjoying the content already and buffing that will just make that worse. I agree that a situation to even out numbers is needed but rewarding people for not playing is against the very nature of playing. If people turn off warmode becouse they dont like dieing they shouldnt be on warmode and shouldnt be insited back unless they learn to deal with the chance of dieing while questing.
Yes. War Mode should have bonus only for PvP / Conquest.
Only a experience % bonus from current bonus system makes sense to stay.
Yes, those are decent returns, but they are not bad (imo), because they give the same return as doing instanced PvP, and for players like me, who enjoys playing in unscripted WPvP environment more that anything else in this game - it’s a good way to give a possibility of gear progression as an additional fun of progressing with a character by doing this activity. It’s not nearly as good as doing rated PvP or higher difficulty PvE - so it’s just a decent return on time invested in this activity.
And that what Blizzard should double down on - more time players spend on activity - more/better rewards they can get. Just like other activities in the game.
Like more achievements, seasonal achievements, quests for both factions that require doing actual WPvP to qualify even for getting this quest, etc - thing PvE players can’t get with just enabling War Mode briefly.
Yes, in theory. One assaults with all 5 quests = 60 cp (2 15 cp quests) + 1 chest per day = 110 cp. But because of assaults schedule - if you don’t play day and night it won’t be enough simply because you won’t be able to do the needed amount. Plus chests spawns randomly with long intervals sometimes, so it could require staying on assault longer which is no problem for WPvP players - they already doing it anyway, but lessens efficiency for PvE players who want to do it asap.
So, also in theory, WPvP players should get conquest more efficiently with addition on looting bounties (35 cp), CtA quest (50cp) and higher chance of looting a chest. But it’s also only a chance of encountering those.
In the end - if player wants to cap it, they would need to do instance PvP and a weekly brawl/pvp quest. Which is good - do more PvP to get PvP rewards.
All that “Alliance needs incentive” needs to stop already. It’s not an Alliance choice that Blizzard went in that direction and tries to solve population balance with removing horde PvE players (a good thing tho) and adding alliance PvE players instead. AOO is not an idea from community - it’s something Blizzard did on their own, instead of a lot of other options.
But I agree, even with AOO working with what it supposed to do, it should be balanced by other means for healthier population not only in terms of numbers.
Damn, I couldn’t have said it better!
Just - yes.