Stop feeding the alliance!

Stop feeding the alliance kills. Turn warmode off and deny them their 400ilv gear. Let them rot at 0/25 kills. It worked for them, it will work for us.


This is my dilemma - Yes, I dont want to give Alliance their free gear however, if I turned off warmode I would feel somewhat dirty…decisions decisions…


This is exactly what we want - there are way too many of you in warmode. It’s not fun to level/play 1vzillion

Your comrades might not feel the same. No horde…no kills. No kills no free loot.

If you keep warmode on, we win and get 400ilvl gear
If you turn warmode off, we win and get you out of WM.

Whatever you do, we win.


Sure, try convincing absolutely every single Horde player in Europe to turn wm off so we can’t complete a quest. Let me get the popcorn


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I just feel they either need to make a horde version of this quest, or balance thier server better.

Doesnt feel like they are been out nr when its 120 alliance vs 5 horde…

Or, add some “nr” untop of the screen (like a scoreboard), the score will then show how many horde and alliance are in said zone, if the horde nr are greater then the alliance = quest can be completed, if not, quest cant be completed.

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The alliance tears to follow will cleanse your dirtyness. And believe me, if they don’t get that loot. There will be tears.

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:joy::joy::joy: eating popcorn

Eating popcorn won’t get you your 25 kills. Your losing out.

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i got my fresh 400 item level azerite head just fine, im sorry


yeah I’d love a fair fights in open world, feel free to turn it off :))

tired of 1v40ing

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Wow…it’s Bucky! Take it your quitting post where an success? Enough attention fed the ego…now we decided to stay? Lovely.


Just give horde the same quest. They can keep the buff.

That’s what we thought with launch. We were wrong.

stop barking at me. lmao

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Omnomnomnomnomnom. Die, Horde!


You hordies just gotta come one by one to our 4x 5man-party hotspot and die in few globals. Contribute to my quest with your death and get me free hc raid gear thanks!!
We are superior and you are inferior and yes this is justified because reasons


Unlike your ego, this dog hasn’t been fed.

Need Alliance tears.

if you had proper capability to read, you’d probably notice that I said I’d quit if I didnt get CE.

yet u’re the one crying? :joy: