Stop fresh 120's from joining BG's!

Your Russian char name sure fooled me also you type in the forums like a Slavic person and not at all like you are Deutschland person :stuck_out_tongue:.

Yeah yeah.

But I’m more active on german forums lately. Subscribed pvp forums and getting notifications.

As the topic points it out , need to scale 385 and 440 ilvl players to 425. Because random bgs give nothing. Usually players are there for testing talents etc or to improve on their class if they are new.


Makes sense though because it seems it’s the only way to balance things out as it seems and I know they give nothing but they might be a good practice for fresh players that want to learn what wow PvP is at least that’s how I see it from my point of view.Everything in life has a purpose to it and meaning.

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Why forbidden? Why take things in to the extreme, i didnt say that at all.
All im saying is absolutely NO to any ilvl scaling for new ppl. Why players feels entitled to get automaticaly 425 on their freshly dinged characters? Go a do same stuff like everybody did. Gear up the way everyone else did. Dont devaluate effort and work that others put into their characters by implementing this “there you go boy, go and play honey” bs system. Its an rpg game, power differences between characters should be visible. Imo ofc.
Random gives 395ilvl? Thats blizzard decision not ours and if u wanna gear up strictly just by doing random bgs … too bad my friend, not because i say so but because it is as it is…u cannot expect raid-like power gear from random bg… U die to one hit? Again…too bad…u wont go raid with 80k hp char, u wont go arena with 80k hp char, u wont go +10 with 80k hp char. I hope you get my point now.

Gearing is a sh!t show and should be changed for pvp, but not by some freefor all scaling or templates. Thats how atleast i feel.

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They can put ilvl requirement on bgs too , they make it every patch to pve but they dont do it on pvp.

Ye to be fair, all im talking about is a bit off topic. I didnt stated my opinion to OP which is allowing non gearedmplayers into the bg. All my responses were reaction to re-adding templates and such systems back.

For the OP i dont care, if they wanna die and die and die…let them… and i know they will propably ruin fun for others, but i dont feel like everything in this game should be restricted.

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Fyi I had a 395 ilvl char lately. My friend invited me to bgs , I linked him my blue trinkets and I said not ready. You go alone. Also she is on this forums actively too. Maybe she will see this :slight_smile:

Dont want to ruin everything for others.

Edit: she liked it xD


You are crazy… Rated pvp is for grared people. Random is for everyone, testing diffrent spec/build/gear too.
If you dont want to see ungeared players in team , make your own rated BG team.


How will you test your spec with 80k-100k hp?

Fire mage cast is 8 seconds but insane damage. It will kill a 100k hp player with single fire bolt.

I started to queue 10 man eu/german alliance bgs with 7 players premade and 3 random. So I dont mind I have 80k players in my team. But others would.

So basically you are doing something that is not even allowed. Nice :slight_smile:

This is a big lie, because when we were doing bgs you were always bashing in the bg chat undergeared people asking to kick them :slight_smile:

We were there with 3 players… also if you want to complain , you should talk that not allowed situation with babe too. Game is full premades. Only way to prevent it , removing queue as group function to bgs.

because some people don’t like to be dragegd down by ungeared people in their group.
Also. I did. I don’t have any alts and I only play one character, because it is enough for me, but it annoys the heck out of me when half my group is simply undergeared and I lose for that fact alone… Yea. it sucks

Exactly. This is not what bgs should be about.

I would rather not have them at all.

And in the meantime cause a sh!tload of losses to your side in pvp

425 is not effort. It’s not even considered decent gear. Still takes a long time to get it though…

You could for most of the game life though.

except every activity you mentioned is not a CASUAL activity that random bgs are.

read up on how pvp gearing worked in WoD. That was the best system by far.

Oh yes. Spend hours fine tuning the perfect group is so much fun

Yeah at least there are many players agree with us.

All this gear huge differences is activisionblizzard fault. The dev vision about pvp is plain stupid. If they will keep this retarded pvp sistem the game will die.
All over the forum eu and us players are requesting pvp vendor.
And activblizz brings patch 8.2.5.
At least blizz can make an blue post that they are considering bringing vendors back or not.


No offense but not only us/eu , german forums want it too.

Take a look at link if you know german.

Also you are from my rogue/priest’s server , they are from old soul auchindoun guild. Its nice to see auchindoun horde here.

Yes u are right. On every forum players are asking for pvp vendors and Ion’ pvp “philosiphy” to go back to the brown hole it crawled out.

Thx. :wink:

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No it isnt, but it does reward level of gear you demand to get from random bg, or just by existing while join bg just by scaling.
Random bg never rewarded raid level gear in the lifespan of the game. It rewarded honors which gave you Counquest gear from last season. If u compare that to bfa it would be gear on par with conquest weekly cap which was 400ilvl in s2.

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Except you could get the best pvp gear. Winning rewarded small ammounts of conquest
Sure it took far longer to cap conquest in them than in rated bgs/arena, but it was absolutely possible.
Also it cannot be directly compared to raid gear. Pve gear was best for pve meanwhile pvp gear was for pvp.

EDIT: yes, elite pvp gear did need to have high pvp rating, yet i was only marginally better than regular conquest gear

EDIT2: Conquest for every bg win was added in 4.2.0 (Firelands patch)

U can get small.amount if cp even today and cap your cp from random bg…it would take ages, like it did before, but u can…for 430.

Is that why the reward shown for my fresh 120 dk is a 410 weapon?