Stop including a boost in base edition

I would swap out the boost for a 1 month sub. It’s very bizarre that in order to start playing WoW you need to buy the game and then buy a sub, but don’t worry the game comes with a level boost so you don’t have to play it that much.


It’s kind of funny, the time they listened to people not wanting a boost version, it got massive complaints because it turns out the majority do want one.

How about no

Other way around. their entry sub is 10.99€ (only limitation is the amount of active characters, which the majority of people dont use anyway), while their standard sub is 12.99€ (eg. exactly same as a wow sub). WoW only “benefits” from a lower subcost if you buy 6 month or 12 month at a time (while FFXIV have that offer for either 90days or 180days, respectively).

I once heard that those Boosts will be upgraded if left unused for two Add-ons. Is there something true about this?

Uhh… probably? I mean 2 expansions ago was the level squish, so I honestly don’t know.

This is what it looks like:

Since I know I don’t buy boosts but get them with my CE’s, I’m going to guess the answer is yes.

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Oh yeah totally forgot that one. Okay yeah we will have to see but thanks.

I completely agree with you, but let’s not kid ourselves, Blizzard’s need to justify the 50 quid for the base version of the expansion is a win for us.

You should always think of the perk as a thank you for buying the new expansion, as opposed to upselling.

Yeah, when youre thinking that spending more money on a videogame is a perk, that’s when you know it’s wrong.

I agree with op but obviously this is just a reason to drive up the prices.

Well, I mean…

People keep getting angry at game developers for raising their prices, but in actual fact it’s just our central banks printing money like idiots. They just can’t help themselves.

Back in 1996 most new games were the equivalent of €60. Today that’d be €105, but if any game developer announces that as their price everybody loses their minds.

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Back then, they had to also manufacture and print each and every box and cartridge/cd-rom as well for every copy of the game/expansion.
They don’t have that excuse/expense anymore and yet they still have the gall of putting a ingame shop on a subscription-based game plus asking for more money for stuff people dont want.
Like i said before, if they have to put the prices so high to justify it, make it worth it. Let us choose what it includes.

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When I first started playing the game seemed cheap compared to others because there was a subscription, don’t think that is true now.

Yeah the publisher usually took around 30%.

Exactly like Steam.

WoW is not on Steam. D4 and OW2 are, but not this game. They self-publish everything else.

Just look up on steam:

I know, but it speaks to how expensive it is to publish online as well. There’s a lot of software to build, a lot of servers to maintain, there’s a lot of contractual obligations (even if their EULA likes to pretend there isn’t).

Online more-than-likely is cheaper, but it’s certainly not free. Epic Games’s store is actually starting to take off but 8% just isn’t covering their costs. They’re losing a lot of money.

And by the way, tBC had some of the cheapest shipping costs possible. Literally a DVD box with iirc no manual in it. It’ll have been like €2 to ship each of these things and the CD’s and case like €1.

But even if we ignore all that, the value of the game is set by how enjoyable it is, not by how difficult it was to get to you.

Actually, TBC very much had a manual in it. I’m currently holding it right now in my hand. Box and everything. It was MoP where they stopped handing out game manuals.

Anyway, back then, you still needed to purchase each expansion separately, even if it wasn’t current. I took a 3 year break at one point and had to buy 2 expansions at the same time, just because they hadn’t merged it into the subscription itself at that point. I complained to no end about it and i’m not alone about it either.

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I just went and got mine, and you’re right! It has a manual in it.

Mind, the manual is something that fits inside that tiny box and something I could print for €0.10 with the printer behind me. That didn’t raise costs much, I can assure you.

The manual in the vanilla box is a bit more hefty.

But back before these things there was the “Big Box”. That was something else entirely and frankly something I miss a little…


Where do people get this idea of “I should get a discount because I dont want the stuff they include for free” It is given to your for free, it never made the base game more expensive to beguine with.

They removed it a two(?) expansions ago and kept it the same price; at least you get a little bit more now.

More expansions with less content is the new normal now.