Stop Premades in AV!

Since BGs came out there has been a lot of Alliance premades in AV.
AV was not meant to be played with multiple people getting into the same AV.
Thats why there is no Join as Group option.
What the Alliance is doing is queueing at the same time and then check which number pops up when their queue is ready (they have instant queue).
Then if they all get the same number they accept the queue else they drop it.

How to solve this?
Remove the number that pops up when u sign up for random AV


It would slightly reduce it, but NOT solve this.

Also because it is still valid : reroll, quit or dont cry.


or remove rank system


That would not prevent it :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop crying and reroll Alliance.


Know what? how about you try to actually do AV properly instead, oh wait no you wouldn’t be able to do that because that would mean you would lose, so instead you abuse a system. sorry but having the Entire enemy group from one realm should not be possible, this also means that Horde for some damn reason has a 20 min+ queue time, which means you sit in queue for 20 mins, then lose in 5 mins.
I know exactly the next words that will come as a reply for this. “git gud” yeah…git gud indeed when people are ABUSING a broken system, Either This needs fixing or Blizzard needs to start punishing people who abuse the system.


Thats rich coming from an Orc Warrior.

People abusing broken racials is ok with your logic ? Because thats the reason alliance has 3 to 4 times less players than horde for PvP.

How about we start with things like orc racial to 5% stun resist only and to take away the 5 seconds immunity of wotf and make it share a 2 min CD with trinket ?


I see no abuse at all, just people wanting to play together.

It’s not an exploit or people cheating either.


The entitlement of Horde players is utterly appalling. I guess thats what you get for spoiling a faction.


This whole comment is destined to backfire. Talking about faction inbalance abuse while playing horde, calling the premade queuing exploit while every av the horde using 3 different true exploit. And i will not even start to talk about the op horde racials that makes healers immune to ccs because constantly resisting 3 stun in a row or instantly remove the fear and being immune for the next one as a healer is just gamebreaking.


Not gonna happen. #NoChanges.

Your options are:

  1. Git gud
  2. Reroll ally
  3. Organize better during pugs and fight back
  4. Go back to retail
  5. Quit



There is nothing to solve. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it’s a problem.


Wow. The lack of self awareness among horde players flabbers my gast. It’s just astounding.

Bro, don’t you remember that when you signed up you checked the box that said, “yes, I want to join the over populated faction.”

Right after that you clicked the box that said, “yes, I want long queues for BG and forgo the choice of having insta-queues.”

Spoiler alert: Your queue times are going to get longer and longer. When the Allied casuals are exalted and no longer have the need to face an ugly opponent with a bad attitude you can expect to wait twice as long for your BG to pop.

Next time, either try to make a wise decision or try not to complain too much when you discover your failure.


I love it how Alliance players actually thinks blizzard intended this to work out.
There is no Join as Group option for AV so clearly it was not ment to be played with 40 people grouping up.
There is nothing to git gud about this nor am I rerolling Alliance because you think this is how the system should work.
I bet if it was the other way around it was you guys who would be making these posts on the forum because you would be annoyed by it just as much as we are.

And comparing this to an Orc Racial wauw there went something really wrong somewhere if u think that is a valid argument…

Blizzard should act on this removing the number will fix a whole lot of this premade crap. Maybe some people are still lucky they get into the same one, but by far not as much as now…


Blizzard also didnt intend for Horde to play 3v1 all of phase 2. It still happened. So stop crying, reroll or go back to retail.


If you are actually up for a normal discussion go ahead and make a post, but if you are here only to make snarcy comments about how you got killed in P2 go somewhere else…
World PvP is World PvP Alliance did the same thing get over it man and stop crying like a child.


It is beautiful

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That’s all well and good but both are caused by the same reason of faction imbalance.

It is an exploit but #nochanges

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You can always go back to camping brd if you can’t win with equal numbers.