Stop Premades in AV!

I completely understand Alliance players wants to keep their discord premades against Horde pugs. Otherwise, they would get decimated every single time in an even battlefield, as it happens every time when they are not a premade. I’m playing AV since the start, and yet to lose a single game against non premade group. Their excuses to keep this flawed system is just plain pathetic. Git gut, orc and undead racials, reroll etc. As far as we know Blizzard they do not care about problems like this. If I see a premade which is about 80% now, Ill just go and watch a TV show or something, takes about 7 mins to lose and another 30 mins in que. I’m pretty sure the Alliance is enjoying their “PVP”, rushing to Drek and kill him in 7-8 mins all day every day.

It’s just a direct result of premades themselves escalating the problem.
Generally speaking more horde players are interested in pvp. But where it really becomes a problem is when alliance players who are not interested in honor farm get their AV exalted rep for easy PVE benefits like rings/weapons.
Because 30% or whatnot alliance players are humans they get reputation faster thanks to the human racial. That made the fact worse, bringing a faction to imbalance quicker. Alliance players were basically done with farming rep faster because of it. Skill can be ignored at this point because in the grand scale of things an average horde and alliance players suck equally :У
With the fact that statistically there is slightly more horde players it escalated the problem even further. Human players left, leaving zug-zug behind with their not-so convenient rep-farm-wise racials farming. And it just snowballed from there.

That made alliance have smaller and smaller queue to the point when as an alliance player you moved from having very fast queues to extremely fast/instant queues. And yes I do remember having 4 minute AV queue as a horde. To be fair I think I once got into AV match within the two minutes or something. That was during day one of AV release.
Anyway, instant queues made premades possible for the alliance.
Because premades became possible, people started to minmax. And don’t get me wrong: if horde had the same chance they would grab it without second thought (even though once again statistically horde players are more solo focused compared to the alliance, the urge to minmax is greater).
Since premades exist they suck in all the good and decent players into them because everyone focused on honor farm would join premade to keep up with the competition. And competition is within your own faction I mind you. So unless you want to handicap yourself against the other people (which nobody would do) you join alliance premades.
That leaves bad/ not serious/ casual players with pugs. Players that can’t be bothered with honor farm like this.
The huge problem is premade skipping. In most of the cases by the rare exception when you are a horde player and you face the alli pug - they barely have 10 people in the match at the start. That way horde can dominate the map even before competition appears.
On top of that bad players can’t effectively learn from good ones if they are being corpse camped at GY by thirsty horde who is trying to squish every bit of honor out of a match they spent 30 min in queue for.
Long horde queue times are also indirectly bad for alliance pugs. I don’t remember a single time a horde raid would finish a match as quickly as possible. Usually it boils down to doing EVERYTHING that gives honor.
The other downside of this is that casual alliance players can’t genuinely have fun in pvp now. You a) join a premade and PVE honor farm for hours which is the opposite of casual player’s perspective of having fun or b) get roflstomped into a starting cave by a horde players because you started 8 vs 40.
I’m generally farming av for 13+ hours a day and I haven’t had a genuine competitive match against alliance pug in last 2-3 weeks. And it gets worse and worse each day.

Anyway my point is that alliance players don’t do premades because they are afraid of getting destroyed by the horde as a pug, which is, like I said is a consequences of premades themselves. They do it to get ranks because someone else ages ago decided to abuse the system and made ranking with no premades a serious handicap.
If there were no premades possible on either side the matches would be generally balanced since majority of people are of the same skill/gear level with some extreme exceptions.

Nice self esteem

QQ’ing about racials in 2020… Just go T o RE T a IL please.

I’m not sure what you’re asking here. Sounds soyboyish ngl

It is wrong.

And AV will be empty.
Disbalance on the AV map ruins the game rathe than bg numbers.

Even if the alliance has 40 people, it still loses due to the advantages of horde on the map.
Many allies prefer to play on WSG for this reason. There are reverse case - start 10 players allies versus 7-9 horde and allies wait several minutes before start.
Why is it possible? Because WSG map is mirrored! Make AV map mirrored and you will get the same result on AV.
Allies premades is a consequence of the horde advantage AV map rather than a reason. Remove the reason and the consequence will be removed.


nope if you guys fight like normal way instead rush tactic, horde cannot pass you guys and cant try enter base from backdoor. Every1 will try get items and try to capture GY and bunkers…

Alliance dont have defence line. Horde can attack any of towers while alliance can attack only IB tower. So, rush tactic is the only acceptable option for alliance. Therefore I said about rework AV map.

Imagine pretending racials are fine as if it was 2004 all over again and people wasn’t knowing how the game works…pathetic

Imagine knowing what you signed up for going into classic yet still QQ’ing

That’s not only pathetic but also embarrassing

Imagine knowing what you are signed up for going into classic yet still QQing about dying pvp servers, long BG queues and premades.

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That’s exactly why we have been laughing at you for the past weeks lmao check the amount of QQs of horde…literally only horde QQing nice try tho 101% beta cuck

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Only horde crying

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So this is just my pov / opinion as a casual raider / pvp - I couldnt care less about premades. Now the Q dodge on alliance side is a freaking joke, they make loads of games pop up but never join because they are all trying to get into the same game.

This creates loads of games with sub 20 people in when the gates open, easy wins for the horde, good for them. Its alliance poopy pants players that are causing this.

This kills is for the casual player, also when they get into a discord premade half the time they suck monkey butt anyway!

Solution, deserter for Q dodge or let people Q as a premade and they Q against premade.

Solution: don’t start the fking game if both teams are not full.

That wont stop the premade problem, it will just make loads of games not start / get abandoned.

Any game I’ve been that started 10 v40 was eventually filled up to 40 v 40 in 5 minutes. (Just enough headstart to horde kill Balnida and block alliance at SH GY.)
So none of the games would be abandoned just people need to wait few minutes more before the game starts.

I guess if you remove the timer on the start, the gates wont open till you have 40v40 would work.

Not even necessary to wait till 40 v 40, enough to wait till numbers are even.