Stop rolling alliance

Too many people rolling alliance, roll horde if ur a brave big boi or realm gonna die. ty xoxo

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yeah true tbh stop rolling badliance

Or Roll both :stuck_out_tongue: Besides horde has no faction pride and full of hypocrites. Roll pure evil character instead of pretending to be a good honorable guy

salty alliance stay salty

Sta…stammers l-loves the Alliance! G-gnomes especially. T-their bra…brains are e-especially su…succulent! E-eating the…them m-makes you sma…s-sma…s-s-mar- cleverer, t-too!


Calling us badlliance and then calling us salty? <3 I love horde


The badlliance once more has killed all the faction leaders while the only thing you do is call names and threaten.

Perhaps a more subtle aproach is required?
Instead of “joining the Horde”, say “join the Tauren, arguably the best race in WOW history.”
(Shoutout to my horny bois, stay strong and walk with the Earth Mother :D!)

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Stop creating stupid threads.

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Keep baiting <3 love it and love you little dork gnome

This pinkskin knows his stuff…

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Shiv i think you and your buds watched too many apes videos

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Too many people rolling horde, roll alliance if ur a brave big boi or realm gonna die. ty xoxo

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I think we actually need more horde, they need major help in pvp

I be thinkin’ dat dem be in Goldshire, mon…

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ooof not one horde in this thread is level 60, stop posting and start leveling.

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If you are beating them I agree they would have to suck reallll hard

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Yeah we need more horde, easy prey.

My petty dork is back <3 thought you left the game already? did you just lie to get more attention again? :3 remind me how many wpvp events were you part of? how many faction leader kills or defense? None. And I can beat you with my holy spec every day of the week love <3 just leave while you still have some dignity.

It is true though, a month ago while levelling, I met as many Horde as I did Allience and even got ganked occasionally. Today I did most quests in EPL and only met a handful of Hordies and literally didn’t get attacked even once. We have them on the run, servants of righteousness!

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