Stop saying DD its DPS

Can we just stop using DD, we know you’re over 40 and you dinosaurs used the name back in the 80s but its DPS NOT DD get it right ty


Looking for a “damage per second” (DPS) is definitely the millenial term, but it’s still factually wrong. You’re looking for a “damage dealer” (DD).


We know you’re under 15 and you kids used the name back in the 10s but its DD NOT DPS get it right ty


DD = Donald Duck


DPS is the most used acronym, DD is the most correct one. Nobody cares. You’re the first guy I’ve ever seen complain about it in 15 years. Maybe you need to stop?


Factually wrong? There’s no factually wrong when it comes to language, which is ultimately just a collection of labels and grammar based on consensus. If most people agree to use the term “DPS,” then there’s nothing “factually incorrect” about it. It could be called “asjdafoxait34t90343t,” and it would be just as “correct.”

Sure, if you think about it verbatim (not as an acronym) it’s grammatically awkward to insert into a sentence. As in, “hey, I’m damage per second,” but the acronym has an identity of its own at this point. People don’t think of “damage per second” when they say “DPS.”


anyone who says DD obviously has come from final fantasy… sorry but keep your final fantasy terms over there, we don’t want them… same with people who says AE instead of AoE… keep that stuff outta WoW

I’m over 40, and I never used DD for DPS. I suspect this to be the answer:

And if I look in the old Game Manual that came with Vanilla it says DD = Direct Damage.


DD was always the term for DPS, DPS comes from the weapon/spell damages of WoW and was widely used instead of DD. DD however was the original term to denote a Damage Dealer.

Both mean the same thing. Neither is incorrect.

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Still I never used, nor ever saw DD used, only DPS.
And it’s not as if I only began playing yesterday, I rolled my main (who still lingers in BfA on my account) back in October 2006 :wink: And was an adult back then even, as you can guess by me being 40+ now.

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Ah, those acronym wars :smiley: I got flamed hard for using MS acronym which stands for Meeting Stone. Guys told me they never heard the acronym and not even heard of the term Meeting Stone and assured me it’s a Summoning Stone.

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I use dps personally, but DD can work.
Though most people use DPS instead of DD.
They both mean the same thing :person_shrugging:

I probably wouldn’t have known MS would’ve stood for meeting stone either.
Since it tends to stand for “main spec” rather than meeting stone.

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I don’t get why people don’t just whisper their class/spec.

If you started playing back in 2006 I highly doubt that you haven’t come across the term “DD” for damage dealer. It’s common in basically every MMORPG and it is in WoW since Vanilla, too.


As said, I don’t remember ever having heard the abbrviation before. It might be realm specific … what do I know.

This is what happens, when you put a bunch of Germans on internatinal servers. They all use DD instead of dps and won’t change. Any time anybody got bored on Kingsfall, they just started this debate in the lfg channel. :joy:


DD, damage dealer, makes more sense than DPS.


Sure does, only language is not logical :wink:
Mexi’s “It’s German” also makes lots of sense.

dd is size of human female breast in wow

big and very far apart

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where did dps come from, I remember back in time everyone used DD and then something happened in retail :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: