Stop stop, its already dead (warriors)

Imagine advocating for a hotfix which is obvious coming as a suggestion from wow community council. You can see community council on us forums saying that its degenerate behaviour pre potting. Why do we even have ppl in community council that didnt even clear swp before pre patch?

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That has nothing to do with it and you know it.

Yes when that require people to prepot twice before every boss pull in a way that was never intended. This is not fun, healthy or intended. This only hurts the game. I am all for #Nochnages if you want to argue for that but this is not intended and good for the game. This is a good change.

If you want to argue that warriors need a buff due to various custom changes then go ahead but this is not the hill to die on.

The “community council” just reminds me of that thing Twitch tried to do with the streamer council or whatever.

It’sa lot like the “Lotr super fans” that Amazon used to advertise rings of power.

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That is literally all it is.

Genuine question: Will prepotting haste pots still work? :thinking:

what about Hunt BM lol, everyone is crying about war and ret but can we talk about Hunt BM which is bad from Naxx until Cataclysm ???

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The only thing changing is that you can’t prepot armor pots (at all) cause it puts itself on a 2 min CD (same as the duration of the potion).

You have this weird issue where you can’t read text on this forum and understand the meaning of the words.

The issue is not that warriors can get extra attack power from Armor pots. The issue is that some classes are forced into using double prepot 1 min before a fight and again before the fight to be competitive. This is not intended and is hurting the game and absolutely should be fixed.

100 ap for a minute isn’t going to make or break your parses unless you’re at the very upper echelon in which case you have 1000 other tricks just like it.

So what is the issue with removing it?

Same issue with removing things like fiery weapon crits proccing deep wounds. Warrior is one of the worst performing classes right now, yet they’ve just taken 2 minor nerfs.

Meanwhile; DKs can still wait for every haste proc, pop Gargoyle and do around 14k DPS. That’s the issue, minor inconsequential nerfs to a weak class and nothing to an overpowered one.

These things have nothing to do with warriors. These things are unintended toxic broken mechanics that absolutely needs to be fixed no matter the class. It makes no sense what so ever that lvl 80 players should run around with lvl 1 enchants and prepot 1min before a fight.

What is the issue with leaving an entirely optional minor dps increase for 2 classes in the game that was present in the original?

Literally a case of “don’t like it, don’t use it”.

You can still pre-pot armor potions.

Yes, PuG’s tend to be garbage.

But as of next phase, you’ll no longer be able to pre-port armour potions and still pre-pot a haste potion too. Resulting in a minor DPS loss for one of the already-bottom of the meters classes.

Meanwhile, nothing is being done about skillknights snapshotting gargoyles.

Too bad so sad.
I guess they will have to do like the rest, pick a potion and use that one.

But not both on the PTR which is what the thread is about.

You need to pick a potion. Just liek everyone else.
Only difference is that you need to use an armor potion before you get to the boss so you can use a second pot in the fight.