Stop stop, its already dead (warriors)

… you don’t get prepotting at all do you? lol.

I do, you use one before pull so you can use another in the fight.
However if you use a potion on trash before the boss you will have another during the fight. You wont be able to stack them as you can today, but that is a non-issue.

Congratulations, we’ve gotten you to the point of understanding what the thread is all about.

No, i understood it from the start. Thinking that 2 classes somehow should be able to stack potions is the dumbest thing ever and to whine about them fixing it is even dumber.

Pre-pot on trash before the boss. Now you can pop another during the fight of your chosing.

Who cares, it’s 100 ap for a class that isn’t performing at all and 100 ap for a class that’s ridiculously overperforming already.

This is spitting in the wind for balancing and was totally possible in WotLK proper from day 1.

Prot warriors are performing. They are doing their job and they are doing it well.

Blizz has been bullying warriors from launch, you get used to it. Sometimes they mess up and make us OP lol

What about BM hunter ?
your war will be strong at the end of Ulduar.
BM Hunter will be good only on Cataclysm.

What you mean “nerf” original class balance, prepot for dps doesnt matter, i dont understand what you talking about

BM hunter is historically a pvp spec, same as frost mage or subtlety rogue are. The difference is that a hunter has 2 other specializations for pve, of which one is good and one is mediocre. Dps warriors right now have the option between bad and being at the bottom. So any further warrior nerf is hitting a nerve of warrior players, which is why this topic was created.

I’m sorry but saying that BM Hunter is a pvp spec i don’t agree with that.
Assassination Rogue, War Arm or Frost Mage yeah why not but BM Hunter ?
It’s not more PvP than a MM or SV spec

Nearing that 1k dollars mark there, Chimpboy.

Assassination rogue isn’t a PVP spec, that’s Sub.

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Even if you didn’t double pre-pot you’re still affected by this, you could preppot an armor potion and 1min later use haste potion, a lot of fights are less than 2 mins long so you have some choices to make, one of those choices includes still waiting 1minute if you’re min-maxing, so you can use a haste pot later in the fight.

When fight durations get down to certain numbers it’s going to be best practice for parsing to wait 1min so you can use a haste pot later in the fight, double haste potting may be used by some but Warriors don’t get much benefit from prepotting when they are sundering so if you can only 1x prepot most will still want an armor pot, but perhaps not a 2minute one.

I’ve only double pre-potted maybe twice in all of WOTLK Classic, my guild is not going to entertain that and guesswork on pulls is a gamble, my parse average is just shy of 99 overall and if I was playing with a more parse concerned guild I would be comfortably in the upper 99+ average without double pre-potting, I don’t think a lot of Warriors were doing this to begin with.

So why really bother changing that? While unintended it was an option for those that wanted to push their damage a bit higher considering that until later Phases Warriors will be suffering in DPS department.

Honestly I don’t think I can understand Blizzard’s idea of balance. They look at the class as a whole even if niches and roles for their specific specs are vastly different. Classes and specs are mostly balanced around the gear that’s not released now (which is why Warriors and Ret Paladins suffer) which just makes you wonder - what’s the point?

Warriors as a class is the least brought class in raids ATM, how exactly are they doing “well” ?

If the argument is, that it is stupid and unintended i dare anyone to define how snapshotting haste and str buffs to a gargoyle summon that has already fallen off of you to supercharge that gargoyle to do 1-200% more dmg than it realistically should when you have CDS or rogues doing 5-10x times the AOE dps of other classes cause of old screwed up item texts and none normalized weapon scaling isnt a bigger problem than 2 classes gaining 50dps, which isnt even very feasible unless your raid specifically waits for you to do it.

These two huge abuses going on atm isnt only widespread, defining the meta and bringing thousands upon thousands of unrealistic DPS. It is rather easily fixable too. item text changes and a minor fix to bugged talents would do the biggest work on rogue and dks just need dynamic buffs on their gargoyles linked to the dk.

Not sure if DK’s are still doing this but swapping meta gems mid combat after snapshotting the haste meta is far worse. I would also say that weapon swapping for black magic enchant is worse too.

If their goal was to stop Warriors waiting 1min for potions they haven’t fixed it, because as I mentioned above that’s still going to be a thing on short fights in order to allow Warrior a haste pot for the execute phase, all they have really done is nerf Warriors, including the majority of Warriors that were not double pre-potting to begin with.

That does not mean they should be able to cheese and double pot where other classes can not (except for DK).

And Prot warriors are performing well. Just that most guilds want Prot Pala and DK tanks.
Feral Druids are not much ahead of warriors.

start start

No but one is a huge problem, the other is something that barely is used at all.

“And Prot warriors are performing well.”, they have a use cause of them bringing sunders and speed + aoe. But they arent performing well, by all metrics they are also behind the curve.