Store Mount Tyrael's charger

You can’t post such links … there is a limitation on what links you can e.g. youtube, wowhead and few others.

What a healthy way of looking at it mate

I am not your MATE. And I am not talking to you don’t get overly familiar with someone you do not know and even more so when you have oh look put a “Digital Deluxe Items” As Collector Edition one. So your actually wrong that is not CE it is DD you really think I am stupid do you?

You can post link, people like me tell others who just ignore it. Use preformatted text.

But they were part of the Collector Edition as well….

Just stop okay you implied I lied you also made out that it is the same thing it is not it does include all the digital content I got as a CE owner of Legion. End of . Thank you very much.

And that would still work to open the site on the next tab or only as a text to be copied? (just asking, I am not posting any links apart from Wowhead/youtube)

But it did contain the mount & pet they are now selling at the store. So it still stands.

And I don’t care either that fair. Bye

actually the annual pass and thus tyraels charger have an effective price of 0.

The annual pass did not cost anything at all and thus they would actually be selling a mount that was actually free if they placed it onto the shop which would essentially raise more questions.


I want that mount

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ok ok now keep quiet keep quiet

I would love the mount to be in the store, I didn’t do the deal at the time because I hated what they’d done to retribution and stopped playing for most of that expansion. Which would have made it a very expensive mount to buy via paying for a long sub for a game I wasn’t playing :laughing:

But you still have Rogueadin…

They were horrific to play when the changes first came in, most of my friends who played paladin went tank or healer.

I came back for MoP, it didn’t seem as horrendous but the Paladin of the old days is gone sadly.

one might say it got “sealed”

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