The mage restores all the posters again also permanently except for morrowburn’s
renard lol
A whisper leaps like wildfire among the poor and downtrodden of Stormwind. The proud banners of the rising sun, the symbol of Light returning has been seen all over the city.
As always in times of unrest and trouble the faithful flock to the banners, a sign clear as a beacon piercing the darkness of hope returning to those who have none.
No sooner do the guards finish scrubbing one graffiti-ridden wall as another one pops up, each one more profane and more vehement in its sentiments about ‘void-addled elves’ than the last.
Unto all loyal Sons and Daughters of Telogrus,
Master yourselves.
To surrender to base emotions such as anger or fear, is to openly invite the Void into your thoughts. No short lived tribulation, or equally short lived peasant, is worth that magnitude of anguish in your lives.
True trials yet lie before us - ones worthy of our power and lineage.
Tal anu’men no Ren’dorei
The message features on a handful of noticeboards. It is unsigned.
There has been talk, whispers and rumours about todays attacker was a human male affected by void magic into attacking a minister
A guard report has been posted around the city, copied in untidy and hasty handwriting. A dark-clad, hooded figure is seen posting these copies before running off.
During Gambler’s and my duty of escorting Crier Kendall around the city, we experienced several disturbances, both minor and major.In the Cathedral Square, the news was interrupted by an old veteran being assaulted by an unknown assailant, and a dwarf who tried to take matters into his own hands concerning the veteran being assaulted by attempting to accuse the Ren’dorei present of the assault. Several off-duty soldiers from the Seventh Legion assisted myself and Gambler in an attempt to bringing order to the crowd, but as the Stormwind crowd is naturally unruly, we sought fit to leave for the Lion’s Rest.
Within the Lion’s Rest, we experienced more of these disturbances. A Draenei, a Kaldorei, and several Ren’dorei were interrupting the crier and falsely accusing the Seventh Legion soldiers, along with other citizens, of treason. The crowd grew far too big to manage on our own, so much so that I had to ask the Seventh Legion to create a perimiter so Gambler and I could safely escort Kendall to the Mage Quarter.
The Mage Quarter had a major disruption. Not too long into Kendall speaking the news, a man cloaked in black attacked a Minister of the Church in an attempt to kill him. The crowd became rowdy, paranoid, and violent, several civilians vying for prejudice against the Ren’dorei, and more Ren’dorei falsley accusing the civilians of treason. Gambler and myself came to the joint conclusion that it was far too dangerous for Crier Kendall to continue her work and escorted her back to her home, choosing to guard the doorway until we were sure no one sought to harm the crier in her own home.
It is believed that the human who attempted to kill the Minister was under some sort of void corruption, brought about by the seemingly insane Ren’dorei across the past two days. One of which had murdered a man by the name of “Sinker”, a Kul Tiran man acting as Kendall’s bodyguard, and a soon-to-be Seventh Legion recruit.
Annie Fraser, 5th Unit.
An angry mob has been seen going around Stormwind’s streets throughout the evening, yelling about the dangers some elves pose, an escaped murderer, and the incompetence of the guards. One of them, a white haired, bearded Kul Tiran in Alliance colours, particularly liked to go on about a member of the Horde, a blood elf, in the streets of Stormwind who was supported by the guards, going as far as to call the guardsmen corrupt traitors.
Word is quickly being spread throughout Duskwood of feral worgen attacking lonly travellers on the road. Darkshire officials have warned the people of not going alone, recommending to travel in groups of minimum two.
From the bottom of the jails, a raspy but loud voice is heard shouting throughout the night, “As a veteran of the Alliance, it’s my right to sleep on cold stone! Light damn ye! I’m used to it!”
The haggard and homeless veteran, annoyed at his unjust arrest, continues to make life difficult for his guards.
Around the respective places of Stormwind City, hanging on the notice boards planted around the city reads the following on the poster. At the bottom of the poster is a casting image of the ren’dorei crest floating gently next to Ma’therion’s name
To all ren’dorei, it has come to my attention and most likely to your own that it is safe to say more than one concern is on all of our minds. Daily attacks on ren’dorei and even ren’dorei attacking the people of Stormwind City. I will also mention the rumours of the Old God returning.
I believe it would soon be time to discuss this matter. I am organising a meeting for all ren’dorei in the Telogrus Rift. Though no date has been set and I wish to try address and get a gather before stepping any further into the matters I am sure we all have yet to speak about.
We will all try to speak our mind in the utmost polite manner as possible despite some of the hatred held towards us and us to others. I was for patience as this is still a process of being thought through.
Veiled Riftblade, Mal’therion Voidheart.
A couple of tattered parchments are posted on the cluttered noticeboards around the city, bearing only the mark of Shadowforge as its signature.
Persecution is not unfamiliar to the Dark Iron Clan. For years we were the targets of loathsome insults and abuse at the hands of our dwarven brethren, all because of actions taken by our crazed ancestors. But where we have actively worked to distance ourselves from our past, these void-addled creatures are left to walk the streets of Stormwind, no more than a few years after they fought against and killed the same people they now call allies.
Should it come as a surprise that they lost control? NO, it should not. Should it come as a surprise that they turned against an upstanding member of the Alliance – a good man – an army man? NO, it should not. Should it come as a surprise that the people are sick and tired of being afraid, of having to live alongside MONSTERS with smiles on their faces? NO, it most certainly should NOT. Criminal actions should be met with measures appropriate for a criminal.
Let not your voices be silenced, let your message ring true: we do NOT want turncoats and murderers in our city! Any and all void elves should tread lightly, lest they were to be assumed to sympathize with the wretch that stole a man’s chance at a good life.
Early in the evening, a large white-haired Kul Tiran with a beard of the same color was seen ambushed by authorities and subsequently arrested in the Mage Quarter. Some might recognize this man as the same person who grievously burned a guardsman yesterday, before promptly abandoning the crime scene.
The Kul Tiran seemed unconcerned, aggrevating the guards throughout the entire walk before the group disappeared into the Command Center.
The next day as Mal’therion walked around Stormwind City, he passed by one of the notice boards to see his made poster torn down, seen only parts of the said poster being left to hang.
He quickly proceeded to the other noticed boards he had been to yesterday. Seen that three were torn down and one other was vandalised. However, that didn’t stop him as he returned with leftover posters and placed them back up in the position they were in previously removing the vandalised one completely and placing a new one back up.
I heard a rumour that if ya leave a bag a’ gold just outside the city gates - an’ definitely away from the guards - a magical pixie’ll come an’ make it disappear BUT THEN grant you ya greatest wish!
Only no peekin’ or ya’ll ruin the magic!
…I…uh, also heard it doesn’t always work the first time, so ya might need to give it a few tries…
A letter penned with familiar style appears around various locales in the city once more
Fellow Ren’dorei,
Something has come to my attention, I and others have observed many using void magics in the streets or many of you walking the streets in full void enchanted regalia. I will politely insist that this stops with immediate effect. Not only is this feeding people’s fears, it is not impossible for residual magic to have negative effects on the minds of the populace.
Appear as close to a normal citizen as possible, the people who allowed us into their city do not deserve to live in fear.
Magister Valdrin Solarspite