Stormwind Rumour Mill

Blockquote A young (by Elven standards) woman sits in her room at the inn a fellow elf helped her get, she couldn’t sleep, keeping her sword and wand near, staring at the door of her room in fear.
She couldn’t stop thinking of the people breaking in, Guards coming to cart her away. She was so scared. She reached out to the crystal given to her, holding it. Thinking to follow what the woman said.
Nyrenas Stargazer wouldn’t get much rest this night until exhaustion took her early in the morning


Over the span of the night, a larger group of Void Elves were seen dragging a man beaten to a pulp. Broken nose, roughened up face, gunshot wound through his shoulder. As the elder farmer was dragged through the streets of Old Town and towards the Command Center, a thick trail of blood followed him. Some would say that it was yet another act of the Void-crazed elves, having found yet another prey to toy with. The commoners are truly not safe any longer. The Void is moving as it so pleases!


Multiple posters was pinned inside the halls of cathedral with a regal calligraphy and the seal of the white council of CotHL.

“Dear faithfully citizens of Stormwind, we are living in a troubled times where people are feared by hidden threats. We invite the citizens to not rump up the tension. As priesthood we disagree with every form of violence and we suggest to not have behaviours that could be interpreted as acts of hostility towards our allied.

For the safety of our beloved people, the Church suggests to stay safely at home during the late night and report to the authorities every suspected behaviours or persons.”


Standing outside of the telogrus rift Mal’therion hands out flyers to any entering or exiting , being quel’dorei or ren’dorei. Many took an interest, others didn’t want to get involved due to fear.

Mal’therion was given many disgruntled looks by those of Stormwind City but hardly stopped him from doing what he wanted to be done.


A new day has begun. Support from various people around Stormwind for the town criers has not gone unheard and they now seek to double their efforts in spreading the news… no matter how dire or unpleasant it may be.


Early in the day quite a commotion came to be south-west of the Cathedral Square, bordering Lion’s Rest.

A captain of the 7th Legion had engaged what seemed a sin’dorei infiltrator in battle, only to find her defended by a draenei, a void elf, and a night elf. Luckily, a female void elf came to the captain’s assistance, and together they were able to drive the draenei and kaldorei off, leaving only the blood elf and the male void elf aiding her.

Eventually things calmed down to some degree, although steel, spell, and sharp tongues still went back and forth between the parties until eventually a guardsman interjected, scaring the blood elf away.

The guardsman soon after started a search for her.


Later in the evening, during one of the town crier’s speeches, a Void elf was attacked by a Human citizen of Stormwind.

It is rumored that the the Human and the Void elf had previous interaction, which didn’t end well for the man. Perhaps, this was the motive for the attack.

The human attacked the Void elf in the Mage quarter, severely damaging her shoulder with his axe, which he threw at her. The attacker then quickly left the crime scene.

Attacker’s description: male, in his 30’s, dark hair, moustache and a little goatee, average build. Wears leather vest and pants.


Looking down upon the world of Azeroth, Tass’adaar pondered to himself following yet another debate among the Army. Once again debating the state of Stormwind City and lack of orders from the Exarch as to the Void Elf Situation.
The Lightforged rubbed his small white beard in though, his other hand tapping his mace.
He firmly believed the only path was to finally enact Xer’a’s desire, to ensure the tainted were purged from the city and order restored by the Light’s will, so no more of Windrunner’s dark tainted freaks they called Rendorai could bring ruin.
Once again the debate had come to a stand still, to wait for Turalyons Orders.
Never before had the Anchorite considered if trusting a human was the right course of action in bringing the Light’s grace to this world.

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During the evening, while Town Crier was giving her another speech, a man was found dead in the woods near the Embassy. The murdered man was identified as James Gunn - Stormwind local, who was unemployed during the time of his untimely death.

The man was found to have been killed by a stab in the neck. The man died in mere seconds.

Some people might recognize the man as the one who was behaving himself disruptive during the Town crier’s speech in Lion’s Rest area. It is said that the man will be buried in the Stormwind Cemetery somewhere during the next week.


In the very late evenings, four humans attacked Mal’therion while defending a high elf. The veiled riftblade was outnumbered but the humans were outmatched as they were fought off having sustained missing teeth and broken bones while Mal’therion escaped with a few cuts and bruises, how lucky. The guards were nowhere to be found during the incident. The ren’dorei tended to the high elves injuries and concerns quickly after the situation died down.


In the early hours of morning, a positively vile stench began to spread in the Mage Quarter. This in itself is neither the first nor worst such case in that particular district, but this odour seems to invoke feelings of existential dread in select residents.

One elderly resident claimed to have seen the ghost of her long dead husband amidst the miasma, and loudly proclaimed the fabric of life and death itself to be ruined by the wicked ways of mankind.

Three children were later caught red handed; their homemade stink bombs are slated for disposal as soon as local authorities find a way to do so safely.


Rumour is that a Crusading order from the North is encroaching upon Stormwind. They come into the verdant Southern lands with the intent of finding those pious and brave enough to leave the sanctum of the impervious walls of Stormwind.

Perhaps they come with a godsent mission of monitoring the unrest that followed the reports about the Void Elves.

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Rumour has it the bakery in Old Town is using sewer crocolisk meat in their “one hundred percent Westfall pork” sausage rolls!


During the early afternoon, a disguised Pandaren was split open by a Ren’dorei outside the recluse. The reasons for the attack still unclear. Gravy spilled all over the place as the wound was deep. People flocked to help as the stabber managed to escape the law for now. During the healing process, a vile stench is rumoured to have filled the area outside the tavern. it’s unknown if the Pandaren survived, or the Ren’dorei was caught.


After a few quiet days of no riots, fights or major disturbances, today just feels off. As if something lurking would now appear. The town crier was reported to have not left her house at all today, yet people have claimed to see several individuals enter her home and walk out with a few crates of belongings.

They loaded the crates onto a wagon and were last reported to be moving east outside the city.


With the very sudden murder scene that happen in lion’s rest in daylight, word is sure to spread quickly. Void elves dead! Humans dead! Men of the seventh legion dead! What exactly went down might be unclear, some say void elves lost themselves and attacked suddenly.
It all happen so quickly.


The town crier, who was targeted by the murderous void elf, was last seen fleeing with her bodyguard out of the city, heading east through the forest. Her clothing was ripped during the attack.
It would seem that the news will be quiet for the foreseeable future.


High Anchorite Tassa’daar calls to his fellow Lightforged for mobilisation in Stormwind and it’s surrounding areas for the Humans protection, calling for the City to enact Martial Law, Citing
“If the Tainted ones will bring Darkness to this City then we, the Light’s blessed Chosen, Will bring Purity from the shadows that haunt it”
He has decided to patrol the city in full armor on a war footing with the news.

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The following pamphlet can be found in the streets of Stormwind City and Orgrimmar alike. They are cheap looking and frayed, yet quite numerous throughout the day.

To the downtrodden, the reviled and the unjustly ignored!

Rejoice! Your true worth is finally recognized!

Look into the deep shadows of this sham of a city. Listen closely to the darkness in your lonely moments at night.

Then speak the truth: Il’zarq N’Zoth phgwa an’zig.

He will whisper to you.

He will realize your potential.

He will deliver us all.

All He asks in return is your devotion. Your love. Your faith.

The pamphlets are gradually removed by authorities as time passes by, though they should remain fairly easily obtained for a few hours.