How Alliance players start to act and argue when they explain why their faction is better. enjoy
Alor mon ami, mais … Ce la english forums, oui? Je try to type a peu english. So others could comprendre. En purpose Je typed ces examples.
Vivre les french orcs! Pour fleurpicker clan! Toujour pur!
Mon dieu! Appears that le someone has un peu fromage dans le nose.
It seems that someone use the google translator because a few words are still in english.
Or the person is just poopposting?
Friends, an important question:
If Mechagon gnomes were normal gnomes a few hundred years ago… and if they don’t have the more garish gnomish hair colours like green and pink… do we have to assume now that these colours don’t come to gnomes naturally and are instead dyed?!
This is an important lore question!
…Or they prefer an other hair color…
No, mon ami.
It be en purpose. Pour forum communauté. Je ne want pas for vous to ne compreniez pas at all what I parle.
Who? You mean it’s the Mecha gnomes who dye their hair?
/10 chars
I guess that is also possible…
And not being lvl 120 see thats why you coulndt kill magatha youre to low lvl.
Also having limited likes is by far worst thing about this updated forum . Just let me like as many as i want again!
You are not allowed to like people here! What do you think this is, some sort of fun board for interacting with other players?!
Uhm yes? But i guess im wrong atleast according to blizzard.
Also id love ignore feature back i dont get why that was removed.
Something i really wanna see in wow. Is fir sylvannas (and dark rangers if they were/are banshees aswell) is for her to use her banshee skills more. Like mind control,possesion,scream and turning ethereal/flying. Later 2 she has used few times but i wanna see all used more.
Though i get why they would wanna avoid MC/possesion espcially on alliance since would be super easy (or atleast way easirr) to win the war.
Posses/mc and force them to kill themself in some way,sabotage plans,lay traps and work arpund Their plans.
But still she is the banshee queen and doesnt really use her banshee skills outside black arrow.
Praise be to Jaina. Glory to the Lord Admiral. She did nothing wrong!
Garithos did nothing wrong.
oh oh oh oh oh you do not know what you just started. Mate/Friend.
I speak the truth! That and Kaldorei got literally stomped into the floor again, this xpac.
Just watched the penultimate GOT episode. Apparently, WOW did reach GOT levels of writing, but only because GOT sunk to WOW levels of writing.