Story Forum Offtopic Lounge pt. 2

It would be nice to see something from Sylvanas. Without any cinematic it just shows you the real baddie…

Actually interested in seeing that cinematic. It sure seems that it’ll be setting the tone for what will happen with the Horde after the latest war campaign quests.


A cinematic featuring Sylvanas and Saurfang somehow resolving that particular plotline would be great.

Time to bring out Muhhonor again?

You’ve got me and you will like it. :stuck_out_tongue: Cos the alternative is an insane walking corpse whose brain probably rotted away years ago. :thinking:

We’ll be “Baine buddies!”

And then we’ll have to saddle up to being “Anduin buddies.” 2 for the price of 1. Bargain…


For the Kingdom of Bainduin!


Link those leaks or no one believes you. And for the record, the blood of countless innocents is on Saurfang’s and Thrall’s hands. Vengeance for Daelin and the fallen of the First War.

And have Blizzard ban you for leaking? I’ll leave it at saying that quite a few people here have personally seen the screens in question.


I believe you can find some pictures on the wow subreddit.

Or twitter. Anywhere but here.

The Kul Tiras story is over after the assasination of Katherine.

Aside from the fact that there are multiple Kul Tiran characters aside from Katherine, and she isn’t even the main one, prove that she dies.

Well, it seems for me that she will be assassinated. She was shown as a terrible leader and is replaced with Jaina now. She don’t really have a use and yeah, that’s it.

I want a Greymane cinematic. Who cares about Saurfang?


I do! The old wolfman on the other hand has become Anduin’s dog and thus lost anything that made him interesting to me.

Yeah, well, we have nothing interesting on the Alliance, because Blizzard writes nothing interesting for the Alliance. On the other hand we see what happens when they write for a faction…so I am not really sure if you want Blizzards attention.

But even if they wrote something interesting for the Alliance, I wouldn’t want it to be Genn anymore. They made him turn from an egoistical, petty, nationalist to a humbled man who found a surrogate son in Anduin. Before Before the Storm I might have accepted a relapse, given enough motivation (I was thinking of Mia’s death on Teldrassil, for example), but now… I really don’t want to see them try anymore.

I would rather see other characters as the rabble-rousers. Tyrande is an obvious candidate right now. Moira could let some long-term scheme unfold and change the game for the Alliance. A new gnome leader could take an active role. Anduin’s military staff, like Rogers, could do something divisive. Alleria and Turalyon have some relevant tension going on, after the Windrunner-comic… There are possibilities that make sense (on the surface at least).

Genn creating new tension really isn’t one of those now.

Same! When they released the two figures of Saurfang and Greymane I thought for sure we’d get a cinematic about Greymane.

“Warchief Sylvanas, we are trying to sneak up on Thrall and Saurfang, but I’m dummy thinn, and the rattle of my as*-bones keeps alerting the orcs.”


You know: With Classic now having an official release date I no longer have much interest in the current expansion and storyline. Like at all. No real feelings towards the storyline it’s just emptiness. I think this pictures summarizes it quite nicely:

And I now longer have trust level 3, because I left the forums for a few days. Great system Blizzard.


Well…glad I never took TL3 seriously.