Story Forum Offtopic Lounge pt. 2

Friends, family, but mostly friends,

Today, we do not know anything. Not about next patch, not about the War Campaign, and nothing about the brilliant Plot Twist™ we might get. So let us enjoy the last day of relative peace and prosperity. But tomorrow, the forums will probably be ablaze for the next few weeks.

So let us be friends here, and enjoy our last day of this symbolic ceasefire.


So… where do you think we should put the spikes with Sylvanas’ and Jaina’s heads?

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Hey, no need to be so dramatic. No new night elf developments tomorrow, right? We might survive.

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The Nelves were just a temporary distraction from the classic Honour vs. Pragmatism debate.

Much like the War Campaign ends tomorrow, the story forum will probably not survive either.


I think the war is just a temporary distraction from focussing on elven suffering.




Don’t forget “ANDUIN ABANDONED THE NIGHT ELVES, HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIS ALLIES!!!” (even though he isn’t helping the night elves precisely because he is helping his EK’s allies).

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Also guys, you know that the war campaign is most likely going to be time-gated, right? I very much doubt we’re getting the two cinematics tomorrow.

Nah there would be no point in them trying to time gate it with the amount of dataminers that would be all over that. I have a feeling something else will be time gated though…Inb4 new models.

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They can only datamine what Blizzard already put in the files, though.

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I am certain they don’t want to mess around with having to add stuff like that further down the line just for the sake of keeping people in suspense. Plus we have already had twitter accounts of the Blizzard team hyping it up for tomorrow.


I am not. They are all about the story this time, and they are determined not to have it datamined.

That’s a totally different point. I argued under your hypothetical premise that it wasn’t released at once.


Night elves were crated when a time-travelling human was forced to make sweet love to a troll in the well of eternity.

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If you say so, Wimbert.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun day.

Alright dudes, time for my final predictions:

  • More Jaina drooling over Thrall;
  • The legendary Kul Tiran fleet that suffers no rival is confirmed destroyed (we can’t have nice toys for long);
  • Quests take place in Orgrimmar;
  • Some tauren are still mad about Taurajo. Taurajo gets mentioned;
  • Anduin does badass stuff once again;
  • Tyrande annoys the heck out of everyone for the 30rd time;
  • Sylvanas reveals her 5000iq 5d plan then goes away until 9.0;
  • N’Zoth is afk because he knows this is not his plot.

Ladies and gentleman…it has been an honor to fight alongside you within these very forums. Tomorrow there will be only war, the burning flames of hatred, and the laughter of writers who look up to the persons only known as D&D…also known as the leading writers I believe of Game of Thrones and responsible for season 8. The forums will break apart and the people will fight each other until the bitter end…aka getting banned.

But, we will stand against this tide! We will stand together as brothers and sisters fighting for a better lore! Fighting for consistency in our storylines and for better characters and development! No longer shall we endure the moustache-twirling of Sylvanas “Did nothing wrong” Windrunner, no longer the hypocritical actions of Saurfang, the flip-flopping of Jaina Proudmoore and the Mary-Sueness of Anduin Wrynn!

But, until the end we will fight for a better lore…for Warcraft.


Pls no anyone but her. Il take even tyrande or some random ghoum or anything over her.

Calia,anduin and sadfang instead of sylvannas pls

I just learned (6 months late) that the guy who wrote the first 2 Traveler novels isn’t writing the third (and final) one… Meh. Anyone know anything about “Madeleine Roux” who has taken over?

Yes, there is a chance she is French and a chance she is not.