Stratholme Daily on Zandalar Tribe

Bots are relentlesly erasing all the evil, purging the zones of azeroth. They are not considered as bots, but as HARDCORE RPG players … you know they are so vividly in their roles they wont notice you / reply you in game :smiley:
just sarcasm -.- only weapon we got.

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

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Well, it’s just what grinds my gears. Not pointing any fingers here, but when i asked why ZT was locked the explanation i got was following - To prevent mass-transfer of less-RP oriented players onto the realm. Jokes aside - this reason (probably one of many others) looks solid to me. But with … these HRPP skittering around, i can’t help but feel hysterical laughter crawling in the back of my head.
Bandages aren’t exactly helping, when the wound is festering with diseases and parasites.
In the end all i can do in that situation - is laugh at it.
As always - IMHO

Heya everybody! Today (16.06.2020) i was checking UC at 6:40 ST as usual and lo and behold! I’ve actually have seen how they act.

  1. pattern - get HS’d to Innkeeper Norman => run to Thomas Mordan (reagent vendor) => run to Lauren Newcomb(light armor merchant) (all that they do one by one) => run in random places across trade quarter UC upper circle => all 3 mages, priest and druid simuataniously hop onto their mouns and run from different places to Michael Garret and fly away
  1. pattern - get HS’d to Innkeeper Norman => run to Thomas Mordan (reagent vendor) => run to Lauren Newcomb(light armor merchant) => downstairs to Auctioneer Tricket => mount up simuataniously hop onto their mouns and run from different places to Michael Garret and fly away.
    Well nothing strange here folks. Just er average Joes workin’ hard! As usual i’ll update my data and screenshots

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