ofc it does , it was just a meme for those ppl who actually believe blizz takes note out of data and not react upon streamer being cringe ,
that was actually a great example i forgot about , psy cherrypicked a group tank pulled everything they gave him PI and some other externals he popped 200k and they nerfed a spec that was already bottom tier in both endgame scenarios . totally took note for that nerf out of beta and PTR
I remember in TBC reading guides on my talents and how to improve, particularly my Prot Pally for tanking HC dungeons (needed to be well geared) and my resto shammy for healing them too.
These days I usually just read Icy Veins Easy Mode for my alts.
Sorry to say it but tanks littarly didnt needed a healer, i just hope that blizzard didnt have taken the fact from the m0. I dont think you will even notice the dr nerf.
I can assure you huge companies can’t implemented entire class changes in a day. They make class changes based on logged run statistics. They can see exactly what classes are too strong / weak, what spells are too strong / weak and it takes a lot of communication within the developers and decision makers to implement a change. Watching a stream and then changing entire roles because of that “the next day” is completely unrealistic.
Tanks are simply too strong right now, as a main tank i can 100% confirm that. Nerfing them was an absolutely correct decision.
The problem with “expert” opinions is that they don’t reflect even 99% of players. They reflect the top 1% of players that plays on an entirely different difficulty other players will never even see. They aren’t the majority and their desired class changes would have either extremely little or way too much impact on the experience of the majority of players.
IMO the issue with streamers is not about the impact they may have on Blizzard’s decisions, but more about the impact on the perception of their viewing community on Blizzard’s decisions.
I dont mind Streamers. Its a form of entertainment, and more of that is always good.
I just cant get into watching someone else play a Videogame. It seems like a big waste of time.
Maybe I´m too old. Like SouthPark once said. If youre past 6, its not for you
i mean this would be another bait for them to take , i truely hope they act again just to prove how stupid they are and to prove how stupid the ppl who think they use data or anything reliable rather than streamer showing of to imply changes are .
That had nothing to do with Asmongold. It was a well deserved and very much needed nerf.
Again, totally neccessary as it was completely busted in PvP scenarios.
It was well known for a longer peroid, it was just coincidence Max played it before the nerf.
Stop wasting your time with these people honestly, knee jerk reactions like " LOL IT WAS DESERVED " are not credible responses imo, these people forget that not all tank specs are created equally, some such as prot warrior are leagues ahead of others such as BRM.
They also buffed and nerfed BRM in the space of 3 days, there’s literally no long term data involved there it’s simply a knee jerk blanket nerf that not all tank specs deserved.
yea but the way they write it down like IT WAS DESERVED makes it sound like if you dont know any of them you think that these guys are some next level god tier tank players with years of experience and achievery to back it up…
like gimme a break your just another random casual snowflake stop making extreme expert opinions about stuff you have no clue about and keep your feet in your own bracket , for the most part all i can guess is that their some Asmongold fan and their mad that their favorite Manchild streamer is being targeted with this thread
your eyes wont be open , it would have happen years ago if it was going to . and thats not what im trying to do . have a nice day
Kalamazi doesn’t get ignored. A good chunk of what he’s put forward regarding warlock balance in the last couple years has been implemented, sometimes word for word. I’d say he’s at least partly responsible for a lot of good changes made to warlocks lately.
Who even cares what their impact is anyway.
Why do you give these nobodies so much attention?
We all know they’re manchilds sitting in their moms basement and in case off some, profiting from children giving them their allowance money…
Why does it matter some guy streams a tank bieing broken?
The 10 mage streamers showing how bad Frost/Fire is doesn’t spark any changes either.
The 3-4 BRM streamers struggling even in M0’s don’t spark any changes either.
You are giving them attention for no reason whatsoever, best thing to do with “content creators” is ignore them.
You giving them attention just made more ppl watch those idiots. Especially Max, the biggest “little man complex” off them all.
If streamers had so much impact, it should work both ways.
But you don’t see huge positive tunings when a popular streamer run a broken spec, do you ?
Blizzard has tons of data, and although streamers are part of that datapool (they are actually playing the game), they can’t be the sole reason behind any decisions.