So there were a lot of threads about people getting PVP gear that should not be obtainable, but most of them didnt have any proof. I researched a bit and found at least one documented occurence of Season 2 item obtained by a player in actual TBCC:
imgur. com/a/dbVWFIW
twitch. tv/bean/clip/NurturingGloriousDoveDancingBaby-4e_82oChOYIfakTR
- here is the clip (archived if he deletes it -
), the guy casually flashes Veterans Band of Triumph, the ring from Season 2 offset rewards, which should not be obtainable in this content phase. The ring you can buy now is blue, and called Band of Triumph: imgur. com/a/yQMGpvy
Question is - how did this happen, and why Blizzard are allowing people to blatantly cheat? Is there an unpatched exploit allowing to buy this gear? How many items are there in the wild? Will there be any consequences for those who abused it?
P.S. Cant post a link because reasons, so had to butcher them a bit, sorry for that.
Wellp, after stealth nerf EOTS flag i hope they can stealth delete all arena items, coz no one can obtain anyone till the reset at wednesday
nice catch! is it possible this is a private server? don’t get me wrong the amount of bugs in the game it probably is legit
no, that one definitely isnt, clip is from the Method streamer livestream from TBCC, not just some private server andy.
I doubt private servers have blizzard’s friendlist integrated though
I’ve noticed that an addon I have lets me buy unlisted numbers of items, such as 3x crystal vials instead of 5x. Is it possible that the items exist to be purchased but just aren’t shown? You could then use a script to call buymerchantitem() and try to buy items by their item ID. Just a thought, can someone test? I would but I’m horde so it would take me a week to save the honor…
They should be banned for a month at least, it’s clearly an intentional exploit…
They mistakenly added s2 rings at regular pvp vendors for NA.
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Lmfao what a good company
Blizzard doesn’t deserve their own game. F’ing ape devs.
Extra loot from Kara chest? nah, get banned nerds
People getting items that aren’t even supposed to be in the game yet as the power level is too high? yeah fam, just keep them, it’s fine.
The incompetence of Blizzard is actually astounding. I’m kind of tired actually, especially along with all the absurd bugs related to my class. What are they even doing?
Blizzard needs to address this ASAP, people are starting to get fed up with the state of pvp and the game overall.
Length is not justified. Asking for bans should be bannable tho.
Why are People being so keen on banning people who are simply playing the game and paying monthly fee?
Sure the game has flaws. But maybe the solution is for blizzard to fix the game, and not hurting their own customers for using a product?
It seems like people look at the punishment blizzard give other people for smaller bugs rather than just telling blizzard to fix the mess up…
The dmg are done, they have a bonus for a day+ still in arenas and gaining rating with an item other people cant get now. They should go and be a GM and do something
There is a difference in playing a game and exploiting it you know if there was an exploit that you could dupe gold and you inject so much gold into the economy it breaks the game
so does people getting items that shouldn’t be released that person will take an arena rank they do not deserve.
Would you also feel the same if I somehow got ahold of Pre nerf Martin’s fury and used the effect to kill all enemy’s in 30 yards to one shot raid bosses/ players
If they don’t want to remove peoples items the least they could do is just add the items back for everyone to buy
If you are exploiting something that you know isn’t intended then you deserve to be banned - i.e getting something from a vendor which is not intended to be accessible, or not accessible via normal means.
If Blizzard just put the items on a regular PVP vendor then yeah, take the item away but don’t ban them.
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So you guys are seriously arguing that players should be banned for simply purchasing an item from a vendor?