Strongest Old God?

Just a random question from me once again.

Who is the strongest Old god?

Y’Sharraj was the strongest but I don’t know if we can count him as he is dead? But someone says old gods never die. Second is Yogg’Saron then C’Thun, Xal’Atath and the weakest was N’Zoth. The thing is we never had chance to fight free old god. N’Zoth might be more powerful than others because he will be free when we will fight him.

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Google will have a ton but the quick answer would be Y’shaarj. Yogg saron if you’re only including the in game ones.


next expansion

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atm Nzoth, others are MIA.

strangely enough he is the most successfull among them as well, his accomplishments are present in 8.2.

also what is stronger?
raw power or an ability to corrupt everything?
my guess is corruption wins in long term.


People who say that are morons,same category as the guys who say there is all other side of Azeroth we havent explored.(not gona point out fingers at the yt in question)
They are finite,reason is if i kill of your brain/soul as we did with C’thun,Yogg ofc you are dead,the body should weather and die off.The hour of twilight as some people like to theorycraft was something like breaking all the chains on the old god prisons,and possibly some ressurection spell for them.As anything in WoW if you have a big following chances are you can be ressurected with sacrifice or some kind of ritual.
Now, N’zoth might not be the “strongest” had the biggest army and biggest physical form,but he is crafty and a smart one.And i would say my personal favorite of the bunch,since he has the most character/charisma…even then the o’ll Xalathal.

Also i like your idea about imprisoned and free old gods.

If corruption wins then yogg saron would be the strongest.

I think Azeroth will be a titan and not corrupt.

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Nzoth the corruptor would like to have a word with you

Yogg is more about insanity, as i understood

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Yogg is by far the most interesting one to me. There’s probably also alot of old gods we have never heard of, infesting other planets and so on.

I’m curious why nobody mentioned this.

but whats your thoughts on it?
Real players view > YT drama queen speculation.

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Spoiler: there is a part of the video that isn’t speculation but you won’t know it if you don’t watch it.

i am still more interested in your view then his :slight_smile:
so you go first :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont know who you linked me?name of the channel.Dont want to give him views.(as Podruge mentioned also)
But 1. of there wount be any 8.3. as raid or new zone,bfa is done for it.Badly recived expansion and they save the old god’s for next expansion.
We might get an intro dungeon and some prequests for prepatch as we got with MoP for WoD stuff,the remade Blackrock dungeon,but thats it for bfa.

My view is that we won’t defeat N’Zoth in BfA and even we will we are going to fight other Old Gods too.

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I believe it’s cited N’zoth is the weakest. However he’s by far the smartest and manipulative, being responsible for many events such as Deathwing, the Naga etc.

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Makes sense cause Ion said it was not an old God expansion, my guess we will only help him, not out of our free will.

Atm we are walking talking azerite batteries which can play a crucial role in his release, would explain why his pet queen haven’t killed us yet.

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It was Belluar and it was really good video about a random drop item from isles

It’s already known how N’Zoth will be freed but I won’t spoil it if you don’t want.

Ah oke gona have a look later on.

Emerald Nightmare also.

But as Brodanyo said,free’ed old god wasnt something we ever saw in WoW,so he might be an interesting aspect to explore to,and fingers crossed for Naylotha.