Strongest Old God?

Ye, I would prefer to be surprised and overwhelmed with how wrong I am in my theories when staff goes live rather then eat all story at once and be bored the rest of the patch :joy:

So I avoid YT spoilers.

uhoh, they’re on to me and my disguise

erm erm
bob, over there 
 I heard him boast earlier that hes the strongest
get im

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I want some :slight_smile:

There is only the one
 call “it” Cthulhu!

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Y’shaarj. But he’s dead. Like dead dead. Actually dead. There’s nothing left of him.

N’zoth was actually the weakest.

Is Y’Sharrj actually dead? Check Wriggling Mass - it’s random dropping item from Isles. This quest makes me doubt that he is definetely dead. I think he might be back soon. We didn’t have chance to fight him yet.

Interesting. I’d like to see him return as an old god fan, but it seems a bit cheap. He was physically decimated and torn to pieces by the high father, the last remnant of him destroyed by us.

Indeed, old gods dwell in the shadowlands imho, that’s why we can only kill their physical manifestations.
They all can return at any moment of time.

We are likely getting a Black Empire or Dragon Isles expansion. Yogg-Saron and C’thun are merely dormant/defeated. If they permanently die that will cause even further catastrophic damage to Azeroth. A proper return to form for Y’shaarj isn’t unlikely.

This guy is dead. Else why would Chogall try to REVIVE him in the comics ?

Revive him from dormancy. His status is defeated in the lore just like Yogg-Saron. It still very much applies that the death of any Old God will lead to further calamities for Azeroth.

yshaarij is by far the strongest and has most land he controled and n’zoth is the weakest/smallest.
C"thun and yogg are in between them. But id prolly but yogg before c"thun.

is there a questline after the raid or does it happen in the last fight? :smiley:

I don’t want to spoil it to others but if you search a bit more on youtube you will find it.

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Yrrsharj WAS the strongest. According to lore Amanthul put his giant arm on Azeroth and literally ripped him up, which scarred the land forever. So yeah he is as dead as an old god can be.

Because Azeroth would die if they killed the others, the Titans decided to imprisoned them instead.

Now power levels aside, everything has worked in favour of Nzoth in the end so he is arguably the strongest/cunniest/most clever 
 call it what you will

Y’Shaarj was the only one of the four Old Gods to be killed by the titans, and its heart was imprisoned in a vault beneath the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. No contest!

I reckon Xalath was pretty powerful as well as the old gods all ganged up on her and consumed her.

Yogg saron corrupted his jailers, created the curse of flesh and created the emerald nightmare.

Nzoth didn’t really do anything by himself except the naga.

The pantheon in legion really did a bad job at portraying just how strong titans really are.

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I dunno. We kind of see it from showing sargeras and him emerging from the cloud with his huge sword