Strongest Old God?

That “youtuber” makes only good clickbait titles, nothing else

Thing is, the titans went around examining worlds for old god corruption and if too bad, destroying those worlds. so who knows how many are actually out there? Surely more than the handful we have encountered.

“atm” being the key-word. If you put them all at the same “age” then all the information we know about how strong they are compared to one another could change entirely.

Side question: should we ever get to fight old gods, the only way to defeat them would it be imprisoning them again?

Cause if we kill the old gods in Azeroth, we’d kill Azeroth too. So we would have to do like the titans did already once, just a second time. Forever and ever. Wouldn’t we?

Yes, also we will probably never get to fight an old god on full strength head-on. For example, Just merely looking at C’thun’s full form would instantly break your mind to the point you can’t function. It’d probably be a similar fight as Argus: We’d need help from Titans or other old gods (Like Xal’Atath maybe?).

Yep. Resets weekly.

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But we only have a Warcraft chronicle for some info, and Pyromancer on YT told in his videos that chronicle is full of inconsistent info.

So I honestly believe Nzoth is an alfa, rest are more like a muscle and strong in 1 vs 1, where Nzoth is stronger 1 vs planet full of defenders.

We also jail him instantly and he’s supposed to be the strongest of them all, so powerful he basically prisoner the other titans. So imagine how easily we’d deal with the others, included amanthul.

And we kill Argus.

I would love that to be the case but sadly I believe he’s around simply being we’ve not encountered him yet, not because he’s so powerful.

In fact it would make more sense that we’ve left the least serious old god to last since the others were a much more imminent threat.

an ogre with a large axe is imminent but a goblin with 10 years of time can wreck you with his inventions.

So my opinion hasn’t changed Nzorh 1st and Yogg 2nd, others bottom tier.

Yogg’Saron created the Curse of flesh and Emerald nightmare.
N’Zoth has only used the emerald nightmare, didn’t create anything.
Basically every human, dwarf and gnome you see is corruptible because of Yogg’Saron, he made the foundation upon which the others could build.

Y’Shaarj “died” before he could do anything significant.

As for your “a Goblin will wreck you with inventions in 10 years”
Gnomes do it in 1 day, goblins just kill themselves.

Nomi. This bastard burnt all my food in Legion and made me suffer from starving.

He might be an end boss of BFA. This panda is dangerous.

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there was no Yogg Saron on draenor, but they used to be fine and flashy.

also curse of flash theory doesn’t cover origins of elfs and trolls.

ah gnome or goblin doesn’t matter, what I was saying wasn’t about that.

I didn’t mention the origin of Trolls Elves, Tauren etc because they are native to Azeroth.
Just like the Orcs were/are native to Draenor and the Draenei are native to Argus.

Yogg’saron created the curse of flesh to turn the titan constructs into corruptable beings, they posed a threat to the old gods, the Trolls, Elves and Tauren didn’t.

The SHA ? Which corrupted a whole land ?

Also he defeated the Titan keeper who were able to capture all other old gods.

He did stuff , just not near our timeline. And still the well of eternity’s is his work basically.

And no old god did as much damage as the well

Well he did corrupt deathwing which kinda messed up the world

Creatures in draenor afaik were all plants, there was the overgrowth.

Aggramar put a huge mountain rock dude that fought with the overgrowth, the small pieces of rocks that fell from him fused with the overgrowth and gave birth to the huge mountain guys u see, these evolved to give us the likes of tectus that then evolved to give us the likes of gruul that evolved to give us the likes of ogres that evolved into orcs.

The orcs aren’t native to draenor, they were the result from the evolution of a titan construct that fused with the overgrowth that used to be in draenor.

He didn’t create the well of eternity. It was a wound like we have in Silithus. But much more severe.
Aman’thul ripped Him out. If they had ripped out the other old gods the same would have happened and Azeroth would have been severely harmed or even died.

A titan keeper isn’t an amazing feat. Yogg’saron manipulated every single titan keeper in Ulduar.

There just isn’t a lot of lore from the pre-titan arrival.
So we don’t know what Y’Shaarj was really capable of.

Thanks for correcting me. I was still under the impression of the initial lore where there wasn’t a lot known about them except that they were native to Draenor.

What was in the wound before ? Something big and stronk ?

Didn’t yogg lose to two titankeeper at full power ?

We know that the old gods fought wars against each other and that he was the strongest. He doesn’t need to be 10 times as strong , but he was stronger.

Yogg’Saron influenced entities a few leagues above N’Zoth’s if you ask me, with everlasting consequences much more severe as well.

But, playing the long game ended up being a smarter move.

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