While N’zoth might have been the weakest before, I believe he has now surpassed them all in power. I believe he is now stronger than Y’Shaarj was when he was still alive.
Why? Because I think that for everytime we defeated an old god, the ones left grew stronger.
They are parasites leeching from the same host, the fewer they are the more they can leech.
I also think that is the reason they were fighting between themselves to begin with.
That’s not what happend tho
I would say physically, Y’Shaarj would still whoop N’zoths butt as would the other 2 but N’Zoth’s strength is in the fact he is smart and obviously very patient. As it now stands, Y’Shaarj was killed and C’thun and Yogg are still imprisoned. N’zoth is the only Old God that has managed to free himself from his prison and this was done through clever tactics.
In the end really N’zoth is the strongest old god. He did what none of the others could achieve.
Well according to Xal’atath, The battle for K’tanth was between N’Zoth and Y’Shaarj.
To me that seems like Y’Shaarj didn’t totally crush N’zoth even though he did win in the end. I feel like it wouldn’t be described as a great battle if their power levels where so far apart. It seems more likely that Y’shaarj became so powerful because he won that battle and was able to claim the power there for himself.
But I believe they grow in power over time, and Y’shaarj being killed would mean he would not be able to grow in power anymore.
But that is just my theory.
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