Strongest Old God?

Like I said. This would happen with any Old God. It’s why they imprisoned them.

Not that I know of. His body was destroyed by mortals with the help of the 4 remaining keepers.

Yes. He is officially the strongest. What i’m trying to say is that there hasn’t been much written down to support this. Meaning that he might end up not being the strongest after a retcon.

I think the Lich King forced Yogg’Saron to act. He couldn’t corrupt the dead.

It was certainly also a case of being on the wrong place at the wrong time too. It didn’t seem like Yogg’s plan to be exposed yet.

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Considering how many continents that are appearing on Azeroth as expansions go by, and the developers have already confirmed they have started building new characters because they are starting to run out(did not expect for this game to live this long), it isn’t unlikely that we’ll see new continents “at the other side of the planet”(that said, at this point Azeroth is the continents it has. I believe we have seen the round form of Azeoth multiple times in the game).

The game is created by people, and will evolve by the story of people, so there are bound to be parts of the story and world that do not exist yet.

If someone told you 10 years ago that Sylvanas would burn Teldrassil, what would you say? “You’re a moron. There is no logic to that!” ? (That’s assuming this part of the story wasn’t known at that point, which I believe it wasn’t)

I mean it took only 2 keeper to imprison him.

The point of the chronicles is to fix / avoid retcons

Keepers or Titans?

Keeper. Titans never set foot on Azeroth

I would really like to see lich king Vs yogg saron expansion.
Ie…alternate timeline wotlk.

If I’ve understood what little I’ve read correctly, lich king was created by someone to combat the void correct?

That was a group effort. All we know is “Deathwing fell to the old godS whispers”. And N’Zoth was the only one active in Cataclysm.

The Old Gods had manipulated Deathwing into creating the Demon Soul, but their true intention was that the demons would inform their lord [Sargeras] of the great power of the weapon used against them. Sargeras would no doubt want the Demon Soul to power the gateway that would let him enter Azeroth. By using the Demon Soul to amplify the gateway, the three Old Gods hoped to escape their prison beneath the planet.

And seeing how Deathwing fought Yogg Saron in WOTLK, and then comes out as corrupted in Cata, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think Deathwing was corrupted during / shortly after that fight.

He was made to weaken Azeroth for the next invasion of the burning legion. His only job was to attack the mortal races. He never was planed to conquer Azeroth or defeat the void. He was never able to do it.

But if he would have weaken the defender of Azeroth enough , than the legion could have invaded and conquer Azeroth , destroying the world/ corrupting it. And sageras would have saved a world soul from the void.

Lichking vs yogg Saron, would be quite boring. If the lichking faces Yogg he gets destroyed , if he let his army just constantly attack yogg than yogg will probably end like in our time line. Full power Yogg would defeat the scourge alone.

Deathwing was already hearing the voices during the war of the ancients.

This is also one of the worst posts.Butcher the continuity,world building,established lore cause none expected the game to run this old.Waw just waw.
As for developing expansions you make them like Cata type,new Northren campaign to deal with the new LK and zyrodomi is for the people who wish to visit the old Northren(or people who still level they can chose what ever scaling finds it necessary)
That way you save the game zones,and dont butcher the lore with “whole other side” or what ever else they come up with.

As for your Syvanas teases i would say that is completly out of place considering what we are talking here,butcher the established world/place for the sake of progressing the story in a complete new way.

I have no clue how Metzen alowed stuff like WoD(alternative/time travel) that stuff never works out well,just look at the new Avengers,and geniuenly you crash your setting with stuff like that.(they retconed Medan)
And also the scale of Legion,they gave them space ships for god sake.
But some reports suggest he wasnt even advising them for Legion,since he left in WoD the company but still gives them pointers.
World of warcraft had already a nice fantasy world ritch with story telling abbilitys that it didnt need alternative/timetravel,spaceships and whole other side world.
You could have gone with pocket dimensions they had for Elemental lords,Dragon Isle is also a good possiblilty.That just shows how the story tellers are out of touch with the in game world and how you design storys around it.And respecting your more lore heavy audience.

I’d like you to provide some more examples of where they have butchered the lore? Or is the actual problem that you do not like the direction they have taken to parts of the lore you appreciate, or that it hasn’t got enough focus(yet)?

Personally I’d rather be thankfull that they are expanding on the storylines. This universe is an absolute favourite in my case. I’d hate for it to abruptly stop already, because they wouldn’t try to build new characters. Obvsiouly it’s going to come to an end some day, but there are still tons of long time established lore that could be built on.

I don’t necessarily support all their choices. I did not like Warlords of Draenor. I don’t mind the concept of time travel(unlike you it seems? - I like Chromie… and the Keepers of Time), but I did not find the story of Warlords appealing at all. The burning of Teldrassil was also not something I supported at all, but eventually I grew hopes of it meaning Teldrassil/Darnassus could be rebuilt into something better than it was. The burning being an excuse to rebuild it. Like Ion(?) said, “It’s a magical tree. It’s not the first magical tree to regrow”… Not saying it means we’re getting a new one, but it gave me hope we’ll see some glory to the nightelven society again. This is what I mean about stories progressing. A story written 20 years ago isn’t necessarily any better than a story in the writing right now. In the end it’s going to be a subjective opinion, but did they really “butcher the lore”, or is this just you wanting something else, or more out of something that hasn’t been given as much attention yet?

m8 the Nightelf society is in the downward trajectory since the sundering,if 10 000! years isnt enough for them to rebuild something great again,then they are a failure(considering what big nationes where esablished in that time period).Also they made the switch from being high fantasy race(example Nightbourne,Blood elfs) to be peace loving tree huging race,and a big nono! to arcane magic.
They are now nothing more then bunch of bitter pacifists.

Ok’e the alternative dimension/time travel,spaceships from Legion are the 2 big ones to me.
The also big problem in Warcrafts lore is that death actually has no meaning,anyone can be resurected and get back in the lore.Just look at legion an Ilidan,ye he has a body and now his soul is somehow merged with a demon soul so he wasnt dead since he didnt die in the Nether.But in the demon hunter campaing it’s clearly stated they fight constantly with that demon soul for dominance inside there body,but in Ilidans case its somehow merged and also didnt effect him at all?

And in your recent example regarding Teldrasil it’s all a big hope on your persnal preference to see your self as a Night elf pc in the setting that it will turn out for good.Teldrasil the one they finnaly planted back again in Cata,after burning the old one cause it was currapted by Xavius.Requiered the blessing of titankeepers and druidic magic plus tampering from the dragon aspects to be the tree we talk about.
Mind you they made sure in Dragon Soul that the Dragon Aspects power is gone(the blessings the got from the Titans,not titan watchers)
But it’s pointed out that they will probably retcone that one too,they will gain there powers back(probably something with Odyin giving them back,or worse the incpotent writers make it something with timetravel)

The timetravel is a big problem for the continuity of the lore/world in game for all of it to make sense.
From Chronicles we do know that our timeline is the mainline (something they picked up from Marvel and DC, the whole multiverse) and writers use it all the time for escapegoat when they dont know how to deal with the situation so they throw in a bit of timetravel.
Just look at the whole Dragon Soul and us time traveling to the war of anicents to claim the Dragon Soul from Neltharion,they could have gone a whole another way.
Also the timeless isle garosh and that bronze dragon…when you look at it that Dragons plan actually made no freaking sense…but hey suspension of disbelief for the sake of story progression.Same as you are now hoping they will do something with the teldrasil/sylvans story.(but my point is,its week,bland writing in bfa for the overal view)

I know we have now complete new writing team(since the old one we got was since tbc) and we have a new Mainliner Christie Golden,witch i wount go into if you dont know the horrors on some book drama in Warcraft scene.

I’m not very into the lore so feel free to correct me, but I’m pretty sure they’re against it cause it’s what caused the whole damn world to split

Yes they are.But you could argue that its more inside politics witch faction gets to be dominant in there society,so i bet the warden+druid+prist of elune got rid of the arcane cast out of spite.Cause we know from Surramar that the arcane users where always the upper tier of Night elf’s.
And as Blood elfs proved with there ward’s and cristal around Quel’thalas they shileded/hide the use of magic so it cant be picked up by Legion agents.
So all in all it was poor excuse to get rid of politically stronger cast in there society.

Couldn’t it also just be seen as a safety to make sure nothing like that ever happened again?

As i’ve said the Blood Elf’s worked perfectly fine for over 3000 years in Quel’thalas.Eldre’Thalas was also fine.Nightbourne in the Surramar city Thalissra cinematic where fine in there magic dome for 10 000 years.
Magic caste was the most prominent.And just look how many High elf’s where in the exodus if they managed to build Silvermoon and push back the trolls.Witch just proves there are magic wards to protect against detection,also the mage order hall touches apon that with Mel Felstrom and Kathranatir.
It means a huge amount of people where left on there own.The current night elf are to me nothing else then noisence,telling everyone what not do,but they are responsible for 2 biggest cataclysmic events on Azeroth (summoning of legion first time,and sundering spliting the continent)

Also it didnt improve there situation,as we saw the druids where eventaly suseptible to the Nightmare,and the wardens did jack when the legion+scourge invaded again.

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One of the most confusing things is defeating Deathwing.
You go into the future to prevent the past.
You kill him at the end time. And he dies in the current time. Such a waste of a potentially great villain.

Physically strongest probably Yogg but physically strong does not necessarily mean strongest.

N’Zoth was the best schemer of the lot and is arguably the most successful.

Y’Shaarj was probably the strongest in both regards but was killed.

That is not what happened… you have it fully wrong

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