Stuck at "Logging in to game servers"

Why… just why drag that crap here.

Yeah doesn’t look like I’ll be playing this lunchbreak, gg.

dead as fck

Same here, just keep trying every 10mins or so.

+1 same problem
Oh no…now I have to return to RL!! :wink:

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someone b0rked it… :open_mouth:

Let me iiiiiiin!! :sob:

Same here cant play


The same here

Same. You are not alone in this.

let us in plz

Yep… I am stuck too

Yeah, same for me. Third time this has happened for me.

You are not alone. Thousands of junkies all over EU are also suffering from withdraw. I NEED MY FIX!


Same with me, this sucks

If i dont get my wow fix ill turn to fat sweets :stuck_out_tongue:

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still not fixed D:

Welcome to IT, where something things can go wrong. No need to talk like that to other ppl, show some respect plz.
Also, bringing in things that have nothing to do with it, doesn’t make sense. Please try to behave, and use a part of your brain on the next post.


Got the same, it’s annoying but yeah… things like this happen. keep posting and let this issue be known tho!