Stuck at "Logging in to game servers"

Same issues here - EU Server

Same problem, stuck on login screen.

EU server.


Yea what’s up with this? /emo

Looks like it’s EU only?
Or other regions too?

I have the same problem, I can’t log in to any server from the list.

yeah still cant log in in EU

hear our cries blizz

It’s the free server transfers kicking in, we’re all transferred to…RETAIL!

Same here…

Yeah, I am having the exact same issue when trying to log in. This seems to be wide spread & is effecting both “Classic” & “Retail” servers. :frowning:

blizz pls >:/

oh well just gonna wait it out tbh i dont wanna play anything else atm

Same thing here

Great, the one day in the week I’m off early and this happens…

Is it DDoS?

same here, should write in CS forums

After all these years Blizzard still hasn’t improved. Crap like that, on a friday even… is not acceptable.

Their top priority is probably making new mounts and pets to buy in Retail. What a disgrace.


Yep getting this also.

They are investigating