Stuck at "Logging in to game servers"

he’s a warlock, what did you expect?

CAnt get in either - same problem :frowning:

Same same, cant login.

I like the new couch, but it’s sad for the kittens they have to stay in the kitten cage now until they get adopted.

Yap.stuck cnt log!!!

Good thing its Friday

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Yeah, but there is also no point in putting up with every little injustice. If someone confronts someone else who is jumping their queue in a supermarket, would you tell to that person: “don’t confront them with that, just let them get in front of you” ?

If you take into account account how many hours of play time Blizzard owes us from things like that (ever since launch), we would all get at least 1 week of free time.

But noooo! They won’t do that, because too many people (like you) like to keep quiet about it and tell everyone else protesting to be quiet.


That’s not a good thing… Not for me atleast :laughing: That means I am off to work in a couple of hours :frowning:

True mate! Blizz wont take long - give me an excuse to buy more beer xD

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Cant log in :frowning:

Every voice matters

Updated addons restarted game and RIP. I am sure good with timing…

login servers down then - probably hunter stealing all the loot.

I wish I was a Twitch streamer, then I could play now.


let me innnnnnnnnnnnn

You Shall not pass


Strange thing is that not everyone is affected by this “issue”. My brother is playing Classic right now without any problems.

Treat* and no respect is earnt not freely given. Common courtesy is freely given. there is a difference.

Yeah, just don’t log out lol

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It is not strange. It is an login issue. As soon you are in the game you will not be affected.