Stuck at login screen / No character showing up

It’s Wednesday evening, finally.

We all ready here, pumped up for release of our new content.

We manage to run through NM and do 7/8 without a single wipe, just our raid leader gets disconnected at the end, he is unable to roll dices on his set item but well, we expect him to come back.

It lasts for 5 minutes, ok, now he has lost his opportunity to roll on his tier set piece.

Now, all of us are getting disconnected one by one.

Soon enough, entire group gets logged off.

At the same time, we try to relog, but also check twitch. All premium streamers are still online performing their usual stuff.

What happened looks to be simple, it’s 9PM french time which means it’s lunch time US time. They decided to apply a hotfix during lunch break without any notification for US gamers, so that after lunch break, they can start again their race / raids on the afternoon / evening with the hotfix being applied.

This is ASTONISHING behavior. There is no consideration for us EU players.

Our raid leader lost his roll, we lost our raid tonight, on the launch day, for whatever hotfixes some low concerned people in US had to apply.

Blizzard reply is expected here, you messed up the release day / night of most of your EU players, except the big raiding guilds which were apparently not impacted for most of them.

For all others like us, you OWE us a reply outside of crap apologizing.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Stuck at Retrieving Character List (Again)