Same as over the weekend, stuck retrieving character list. Anybody else facing this issue? Just happened when I used HS inside the enterence to a delve.
Having same issue, DC’d while fighting in a delve and now this.
Confirm, I got booted while crafting for people
Can’t get back in, endless stuck on character loading.
same here stuck
just happened here as well, after short update, can’t get back in
Same, was in M+ dungeon. got booted now stuff… looks like servers are offline
Hello, Support forums!
So: A few minutes ago, i was in Valdrakken, hanging out with a friend of mine. Suddently, out of nowhere, we both get DCed from the game. After that, i tried to relog back in, but when trying to load my Warband, the game says “Error retrieving character list”.
Now: If this was only on my side, i would think it’s an ISP issue, but… My friend is experiencing it too, and they are from another country, and don’t use my same ISP, so… We are kind of stuck like this, now.
Can anyone help me out?
Same here on Kazzak
Half our raid has been disconnected and have issues logging back… Silvermoon/Draenor realms
As per the title, crashed out, retrieving character list.
Same issue here, was on Ansurek but could not rejoin middle of fight. really blows.
Stuck as a priest inside 12y old kid.
Same issue… I was in raid and got couple of time dc and now cant connect =/
Hopefully they’ll fix it quicker this time.
Guessing the server hamsters need a break. Booted near the end of a dungeon (silvermoon)
i have the same problem
I’m having the same issue. Crashed during a solo shuffle game and can’t get past the retrieving character list.
Same here. cant get in. was in the middle of a +4 dungeon
Oh no, thought it was just me
thought it was just me