Stuck at Retrieving Character List (Again)

Log In is working again for me.

It is fixed now

Hi all,

While the issue was resolved fairly quickly after the start of this thread, I wanted to acknowledge it here and apologize to everyone impacted.

I know issues like this often lead to bricked keys, lost rating and a significant amount of understandable frustration, and please rest assured that our teams will continue to work on any root cause that still needs to be addressed in order to minimize incidents like this in the future.

Thanks for your understanding and sorry again!

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:warning: Update : problem seems solved, restart the game and reconnect :warning:

but game counted as a loss but no “no show debuff”

I was in Ranked solo battleground with my warlock
Gate opening in 10 seconds
Got disconnected
i try to reconnect fast to avoid penality and play the ranked solo battleground
Stuck in “retrieving character list”
I relaunched the game 4 times !

It’s on blizzard side and i am about to take a penality of leaving when it is not my fault !

Edit : Here different step of issue that happen :
1- can’t find realm list
2- Find realm list but no character on the whole account
3 - Can find your character try to log in
3.1 - Stuck in loading screen forever
3.2 - disconnected by the server
3.3 - Character not found


Same. Stuck on either Retrieving character list, or the one time I got to my character screen it disconnected me on the loading screen.

I’m having the same issue. Crashed in an arena game.

Crashed while exiting a Delve, and also unable to relog.

edit : looks like servers are back, I’m able to reconnect.

Same here, i was fighting in a delve

Same problem

yep same here

I got an extra 300+mb download but yes stuck at loading character screen

Update : step 2 = Able to see the list but my character can’t log in back until "disconnected by the server

Step 3 = character not found

Having the exact same issue. Got DCed during a solo suffle and can’t get back in.

Yes, I have the same problem here, was tanking a dungeon and it disconnected me and then I’m stuck retrieving character list

Got hit by this not long ago too. Glad I’m not the only one at least. Hopefully they fix it soon.

Same issue here

same problem

Same, I got disconnected and I can’t play the game I’m paying for. And at the start of the season to boot.

Blizzard, provide ETA on fix and compensation to your customer base for service interruption -.-

Seems to work now, at least for me.

Edit: nevermind, it broke again.