Stuck in a character creation loop

hey eath time on log in i am stuck in caratere creator…
hav trued to just created a caratere but i keep me in there


Can you expand on this a bit more, as your post gives no real information with which to begin helping you.

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eath time i log in i coms to carater creator site… and cant get out of it

Does it have any error messages?
Is your selected name already taken?
What exactly happens that stops you “getting out of it”?

eath time i click back and or press esc i end up back in creator… havent got eny error messages

Do you have any characters? Ive known it to do that when you don’t have any characters on the selected realm.

on the ream im stuck on i got som charater yer

ye ive got the same problem. When i logged on earlier it didnt happen but after 1hr of gaming i logged off to go on a break, when i came back and logged on it keeps telling me to make a new char (stuck in char creation) when u click (ESC) it just happens again, ive spammed (esc) for like 10 min to try if it fixed but its the same. then i thought if i make 50 char witch is max it wont happen to me it disconnects me with this reason (wow 51900319) witch i dont know why it would coz that is an connection disconnect.

its the same as when u want to try a new realm u get auto transfered to char creation just that it is on the realm u got all ur char (lvl 70s)

so how did you fix it just wait or ?

idk how to fix it the problem trying diffrent things

ive tried modify install but didnt help

prob it has some connection with the current realm problem ( cross realm trading has been temporarily disabled while we address an issue causing realm (Instability)

Same problem here, it started after i’ve used Gear update


Thank god I’m not the only one. I have the same problem!. I’m stuck in this charater creation loop. It happened when I wanted to send some transmog items from my main to a character I hadn’t used for a long time, I therefore chose the new “Gear Update for Returning Players” added in the latest patch. I have tried reinstalling my client nothing works. Here is a video of the problem:


Same here, also after choosing the “Upgrade Gear Manager”

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Same in Europe, after starting “Upgrade Gear Manager” endless Character Creation Editor, which you cannot escape

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Same here. Can’t play after choosing gear update.

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Does anyone if Blizzard has confirmed this yet?

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Update: When I click ESC I can see my characters for the fraction of a second or so… and for the chars where I used my “Update Gear Manager” stands “Verabeitung” (German for: Processing).
So this basically confirms a bug with the Gear Update Manager. Hopefully Blizzards finds a fast fix for this

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