Stuck in loading screens

Im still having this problem today. Have to ALT F4 all the time cus I get stuck. This is outrageous! Why did they implement this?

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I have the same issues in WotLK Classic! First time I see this while playing classic

Been having these same issues everyone’s listing since Tuesday. Very annoying.

I noticed that the frozen loading screens only happens when I get the one with all the dragon aspects and not anything else. So far, at least.

As the others here I have the same behaviour in my game. And as some have mentioned, this started on tuesday.
I’ve run a few tracerts in a command box to the three European server IP-s listed on the website;

They all behave similar to this;
(1-3 is local)
4 10 ms 12 ms 11 ms 77-110-249-25.inet.signal.-no []
5 39 ms 40 ms 40 ms 15.213-167-114.customer.lyse.-net []
6 53 ms 52 ms 55 ms ae71.edge7.London1.Level3.-net []
7 57 ms 57 ms 57 ms ae2.3204.edge7.Amsterdam1.level3.-net []
8 102 ms 60 ms 58 ms BLIZZARD-EN.edge7.Amsterdam1.Level3.-net []
9 1161 ms 665 ms 446 ms
10 84 ms 62 ms 64 ms et-0-0-3-br02-eqpa4.as57976.-net []
11 72 ms 63 ms 70 ms et-0-0-1-pe02-eqpa4.as57976.-net []
12 63 ms 61 ms 64 ms
13 62 ms 64 ms 64 ms

Notice the spike on the ninth jump? That node can go from completely failing (*) to 250-ish ms.
I asked my finish friend to run a tracert, knowing they have no issues. We join up at the tenth node (to be split up and rejoined again at the server IP).

Hope this helps whomever is trying to fix this issue. Now to continue the re-install I started in my desperation to find a solution.

(Forum tells me not to post links, so I added the dash in front of all the “net” ones)

I am having this issue, since the reset yeesterday, but only on my characters that are on Dragonflight zones.

I have tried disabling AddOns and am experiencing the issue again and again. It happened recently, even before 10.2, and at this point it is getting very frustrating. Being an altoholic I have quite a list of characters I want to log in on, and at this point it is just not feasible or possible. Please get some eyes on this issue.

Also having this ANNOYING bug!!!

I’ve spent hours today, without mods, with mods, updating BIOS, switching from ETHernet to Wi-FI, and then just entering and leaving Violet Hold continiously on main account and dual box account to see if the loadingscreen freezes, and sure as rain it does… at different spots of the loading screen’s load bar, it’s stays like this until the characters get auto DC by blizzard due to inactivity because the characters are in game, it’s just we the players that are stuck at the loading screen like this:
cdn DOT discordapp DOT com/attachments/700586730528702466/1172224621622329354/image DOT png

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Same here. everytime I HS or go trough a portal the loading screen freezes. A few times the game disconnect without kicking me out, but I can press any buttons, and dont see any mobs. Have du force quit the game, and are dead when I get back in. Has been like this since sunday 05/11/23, so before 10.2.

Same thing here since some time yesterday - game unplayable atm in WOTLK Classic

Im having these issues aswell in classic wotlk. Extremely annoying when you enter a RFD and get stuck in loading screen so you alt +f4 and when you get back you have already been kicked and get a lovely 30min debuff.

Same here. Turned off the addons and it still happens. Travelling from Valdrakken to the Darkmoon Faire and back took me 8 restarts…

Sounds about right. I’m connected to jump 5 as well as they are my internet provider, so given that I am having these issues too I would assume that step 9 is the commonality here.

I have not been able to enter the game at all today. What is going on?
Sometimes im not able to get into character selections, sometimes I get into CS but no chars, sometimes its all black, sometimes i get to load in but nothing works ingame…

Also got this problem.

same here… Game is unplayable fml

Just sliding back in here to extend my list of issues: When flying from one zone to the other. And now its every time. The game is currently unplayable if I need to switch zones.

Battlenet is piece of s*. I opened battlenet, 10.2 downloaded, I played for a while, closed the game, then some new “download” started. I came back now after few hours, opened battlenet, new update downloading, but ofc it is stuck on initialize and after 2 minutes error that update can’t be downloaded. Super well done lame

This is not related to the loading problems we are experiencing.